
Archives-Médias-Images-Sociétés - AMIS


Flag of Brazil
International Research Project (IRP)
International and joint research units

The IRP "Archives-Medias-Images-Sociétés" (AMIS) reinforces an already long-standing collaboration between French and Brazilian research teams in history and information and communication sciences. From 2014 to 2017, the interdisciplinary cooperation programme Patrimoine-Images-Médias-Identités (PICS-PIMI) initiated a cross reflection on the processes of audiovisual patrimonialisation in France and Brazil. The AMIS project intends to pursue this questioning, to deepen and renew it, by focusing on audiovisual archives, their intermediary circulation and their path. It aims at feeding reflections on the identity and nature of audiovisual documents and programmes present in the media (cinema, radio, television, internet) and on social networks from their production to their social reception, in France and Brazil in the 20th and 21st centuries.
