Life, Earth and Universe Sciences

Biology Earth, Planets, Environment
Open to :
  • Applicants holding an undergraduate degree (Bachelor)
  • EU/EEA students
Language proficency requirements :
  • French: C2
  • English: B2
Year of study :
  • Master's degree (1st year)

    The 1st year of the master’s degree in Life, Earth and Universe Sciences (M1 SV-STU) offers students a bi-disciplinary training in Biology and Earth Sciences, through a wide choice of optional courses available in the Biosciences and Earth & Planet Sciences, Environment (STPE) courses.

    This year enables students to expand their knowledge in two disciplines: Life Sciences and Earth & Universe Sciences, and therefore pursue two different but not exclusive objectives :

    • build a research pathway at the interface of the two disciplinary fields
    • continue to build their research pathway in one of the two disciplines, while broadening their culture with a view to preparing for the Life Sciences and Earth & Universe Sciences agrégation* the following year

    *The agrégation is the French competitive national examination for high school teachers

    Language of teaching

    100% of the lectures are given in French in the Department of Biology.

    Some courses are given in English in the Department of Earth Sciences depending on the students present.

    To pursue in M2

    In M2, here are the different possible masters: 


    Careers opportunities after this course: 

    • Professions in research, secondary and higher education in France and abroad
    • Senior managers of the public administration and French and European companies in the area