20220613 / Acoustic measurements

“Sous réserve de conditions météorologiques favorables, la réalisation des mesures acoustiques MLE / SING est programmée dans la nuit du jeudi 16 au vendredi 17 juin 2022.”

Under favorable weather conditions, acoustic measurements (yes, again) will occur during the night from Thursday 16th of june to Friday 17th of june 2022.

We need to shutdown all of compute nodes and parts of storage to meet the required power/cooling conditions of the measurements.

Queues and partitions will be blocked tomorrow (Tuesday 14/06/2022) until Friday.

All compute nodes will be powered off Thursday 16th, end of afternoon.


There will be a few upgrades and reboot of some servers, Friday before restart :

  • allo-psmn and ssh.psmn
  • data10 (homes chimie)
  • data13 (/Xnfs/cosmos)
newsfeed/20220613.txt · Dernière modification : 2022/06/15 09:38 de ltaulell