Opportunities in Canada


Numerous study and research opportunities between France and Canada are provided by national and bilateral funding bodies and programmes.

Here is a list of the annual Franco-Canadian calls for proposals.

The Mourou-Strickland program 

The Mourou-Strickland program is a mobility program for both French and Canadian researchers willing to carry out a short-term research stay with their respetive counterparts either in France or in Canada. This program is designed to encourage interdisciplinarity and is open to all fields of research.

For more information

The France Canada Research Fund (FCRF) "New research collaborations"

The France Canada Research Fund is a major instrument of Franco-Canadian scientific cooperation, created in 2000 through an agreement between the French Embassy in Canada and a consortium of 21 Canadian universities. The FCRF is open to all areas of research and only funds new scientific projects between French and Canadian reseachers who have never worked together in the past.

For more information

Call for proposals for Franco-Quebec projects in Social Sciences and Humanities

The purpose of this call for proposals is to enhance collaboration between researchers in Quebec and France and to promote scientific research projects in the Social Sciences and Humanities field considered unfeasible in the absence of this international cooperation.

Merit scholarship program for foreign students (PBEEE)

This program aims to support international students to carry out their post-graduate studies or research activities in a Quebec higher education institution, to promote the internationalization of research activities in Quebec's higher education institutions to attract the top foreign researchers and students as well as  to enhance the recognition of Quebec universities and College Centres for the Transfer of Technologies (CCTT).

Samuel-De-Champlain programme

This program provides financial support to Quebec and French researchers. It aims to foster excellent Franco-Quebec academic and scientific cooperation, develop strategic inter-university partnerships between France and Quebec, support innovative projects that present promising long-term prospects and to promote the integration of French and Quebec universities in international research and training networks.