A structure serving sino-french research
In 2010, the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon), the East China Normal University (ECNU) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) joined forces to create the Joint Research Institute for Science and Society (JoRISS).
This research structure established as its fundamental missions:
- Facilitating the development of Sino-French scientific projects involving the three partners,
- Stimulating interdisciplinary research,
- Increasing the contribution of science to solving the major societal challenges of the 21st century,
- Creating links between academic and industrial research,
- Reinforcing the PROSFER doctoral exchange program.
How JoRISS operates
- Research projects elaboration: JoRISS offers assistance in identifying partners and in establishing scientific contacts.
- Research projects incubation: JoRISS provides seed funding (1 or 2 years) for projects selected through an annual call for projects.
- Research projects development: JoRISS acts as a hosting platform for selected projects at the end of their incubation phase and for projects started independently of JoRISS.
- Eligibility: Sino-French projects involving a majority of researchers from the partner institutions.
- Main research areas: Life Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Education Sciences.
- January 2011: Launch of the first three research projects.
- October 21st, 2010: Inauguration of the JoRISS offices at the ECNU in the presence of a French delegation led by the Senator-Mayor of Lyon.
- August 31st, 2010: Signature of the General Cooperation Agreement in the French Pavilion at the Shanghai World Exposition.
- May 2009: Signature of a Provisional Agreement towards the establishment of JoRISS.
- 2009: Elaboration of the General Cooperation Agreement.
- 2008: Preliminary discussions regarding the creation of a common research structure.