Australia: Macquarie university visit

Australia: Macquarie university visit

Sat, 27/05/2017


Développement coopération internationale

ENS de Lyon received an Australian delegation from Macquarie University on May 24, 2017, led by the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Prof Barbara Messerle. It was hosted by the Research Vice President, Dr. Yanick Ricard, and the International Affairs Directorate.

The scientific relations between the two institutions are the result of joint publications in the field of the exact sciences (Physics, Astrophysics, Geology, Informatics) and Human and social sciences (Philosophy, Geography).

Perspectives: Both institutions want to further structure their cooperation to benefit from scientific breakthroughs. They are planning to set up regular exchanges of teacher-researchers to develop academic exchanges, as well as symposiums or conferences, in specific fields, to stimulate laboratory research internships or thesis projects.


Direction Affaires Internationales
Coopération internationale