For the second time this year, ENS de Lyon welcomed a delegation from East China Normal University. These meetings enabled to renew strong contacts and establish a work schedule for the development of collaborative programs.
Following an initial visit last June, ENS de Lyon welcomed on Thursday November 30, 2023 a delegation from the East China Normal University in Shanghai (ECNU), with which the School has maintained close scientific cooperation links for over 20 years. The delegation, led by Professor Bing MEI, who chairs ECNU's highest governing body and was accompanied by Professor Zhenyu DU, in charge of international relations, met with President Emmanuel Trizac and several ENS de Lyon vice-presidents.
The meeting enabled the two institutions to renew a strong and warm contact after three years of forced distancing, and to establish a work schedule for the renewal and evolution in the coming weeks of their two collaborative programs: the PROSFER doctoral exchange program and the Joint Research Institute for Science and Society (JoRISS) platform.

ECNU delegation:
- Ms. MEI Bing, Chair of the University Council
- Mr. WU Jian, Assistant President, Executive Dean of Graduate School
- Mr. DU Zhenyu, Director of International Exchange & Cooperation Division, ECNU Joriss Coordinator
- Ms. YUAN Xiaoyi, Dean of Si-Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities
- Mr. HE Jiaxun, Executive Dean of Shanghai International School of Chief Technology Officer, Chinese Dean of Asia Europe Business School
- Ms. LIU Xiaoyan, Program Officer of International Exchange & Cooperation Division
ProSFER (Program of Sino-French Education for Research)
PRoSFER is a master and PHD training program between the East China Normal University (ECNU) of Shanghai and three Écoles normales supérieures of France: École normale supérieure de Lyon, École normale supérieure Paris Saclay, and École normale supérieure of Rennes. Created in 2002, it is a leading program in Franco-Chinese higher education cooperation and totals more than 100 completed PHDs. It is coordinated by ENS de Lyon and benefits from the financial support of the Chinese Scholarship Council and the Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region.
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JoRISS (Joint Research Institute for Science and Society)
JoRISS is a without walls research platform created in 2010 by ENS de Lyon and East China Normal University. It aims at promoting the development of research collaborations between the two institutions in all fields of knowledge, with an emphasis on interdisciplinarity and the societal implication of scientific knowledge. .
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