An ECNU delegation came to ENS de Lyon on March 6, 2019 for a 2-day visit.
Visit of the ECNU - March 6-7, 2019, Lyon
Mr. ZHOU Yunxuan – International Exchanges Director – led the delegation, with four other UNECNU members: Ms. LIU Xiaoyan – International Exchange Officer; Ms. WU E – Vice-Dean, Faculty of Physics and Materials Science & Physics Coordinator; Mr. ZHU Ming, History Coordinator; and Ms. LIU Xiaoling – Project Manager at the Graduate School.
The Chinese delegation took advantage of this trip to France to discuss the co-supervision of ENS-ECNU with PhD students from the PRoSFER program.
In addition to the PRoSFER meetings, ECNU representatives also met along with the École urbaine de Lyon and ENS de Lyon to discuss the possibility of opening up the program to Urban Studies and Geography.
The meetings and discussions led to a general consensus on developments to the new program, in particular in terms of flexibility, to open up new academic disciplines (or on the contrary, to stop some subjects that are no longer attractive).
It was also agreed to include a period of mobility in the program for PRoSFER Chinese students to study at an ENS in France during their Master’s degree, with a reciprocal exchange enabling ENS students to go to China at a PhD level.
The PRoSFER program
Created in 2002 and coordinated by ENS de Lyon since 2010, the PRoSFER program offers a Pre-doctoral and doctoral training program between the 4 ENS and the ECNU. This training is based on a Master's degree program for outstanding Chinese students who attend courses taught by teachers from the ENS
Students can then be selected to carry out co-supervised theses in ENS laboratories, with the support of the China Scholarship Council (CSC).
To date, there are nine disciplines in this program:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Computer Science
- Sociology
- Philosophy
- History
- Education
- Sports Science
Jury PRoSFER, March 4, 2019, Rennes
The PRoSFER program is managed by a Steering Committee made up of the International Relations Officers from ENS, and a team of educational, scientific and disciplinary coordinators.
The PRoSFER 2019 Steering Committee met on March 4 at ENS de Rennes to select candidates for theses in co-supervision within the different ENS.
PRoSFER Steering Committee, 5-7 March 2019, Rennes and Lyon
A series of bilateral meetings took place from March 5 through March 7, in Rennes and Lyon to begin negotiations for the renewal of the PRoSFER Agreement.
These working sessions were conducted by the Lyon coordination center: Mr. Jean-Michel Roy, scientific coordinator and Mr. Philippe Maurin, Director of the International Affairs Directorate of ENS de Lyon. The communication and organization of this event was managed by Mrs. Huajun Wang, Program Officer at ENS de Lyon.