Saturday March 16, 2024 saw the 3rd graduation ceremony of ENS de Lyon. The graduating class of 2023 celebrated their success with great pomp and ceremony.
The students of the 2023 graduating class had answered the call of ENS de Lyon. On Saturday March 16, 2024, the Mérieux auditorium was packed to the rafters. Accompanied by their guests, families and friends, the students returned to their school to celebrate their success.
After collecting their real diplomas from the Registrar's Office, they were decked out in their red scarves and ceremonial diplomas, and reunited with their classmates. They hadn't seen each other for several months. Department by department, they took to the stage to receive well-deserved accolades and congratulations from their department directors. Speeches, photos, testimonials from students presenting their careers, applause and music by the Trombonoscope quartet (made up of CNSMD students) punctuated the ceremony, which ended, fittingly, with a graduation photo.
The cocktail party that followed was well attended, the photo booth was a great success, the ceremonial scarf was put to many different uses (from bandana to tie, belt to Little Red Riding Hood-style hat) and the evening continued with a student party (but we won't say more about that). There were speeches, videos, bursts of laughter, flonflons, red and yellow togas, applause... in short, it was a beautiful ceremony.
Thank you to the students (and their relatives) for coming in such large numbers and, for some of them, for agreeing to speak. Thank you to the mistresses of ceremony - Cara Doumbe-Kingue, a 2023 graduate, and Victoria Mendes, a Master 1 student at our school. Thank you to the academics for taking part, and to ENS de Lyon services for organizing everything.