ENS de Lyon at the EAIE 2024

ENS de Lyon at the EAIE 2024

17 Tuesday
From Tue, 17/09/2024 to Fri, 20/09/2024

  • Toulouse, France


ENS de Lyon, represented by its International Affairs Department, participates in the annual trade fair of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), from 17 to 20 September 2024 in Toulouse.

The EAIE conference is THE annual major event for meetings between professionals in higher education in Europe.

After more than 15 years of absence from France, this event brings together over 6,000 higher education professionals from more than 90 countries around conferences, workshops and trade fairs on issues related to the internationalization of education.

Present at the University of Lyon’s joint stand, the DAI team takes advantage of this event to meet its existing international partners and initiate new partnerships.