In January 2016, the physics students of the ENS de Lyon won the French final of the International Physicists'Tournament (IPT).
For the international final, organized this year by the French Physical Society in Paris, only two French schools are still in the race: the ENS Ulm and the ENS de Lyon, which is participating in the tournament for the first time.
Ten students will be getting ready for the final in Lyon, six will go to Paris: Andréane, Arsène, Axel, Jérémy, Corneliu, Clément and their team leaders Nicolas Taberlet, Nicolas Plihon and Aude Caussarieu.
Teams of six students and their team leaders (lecturers or researchers) work on eight of the 17 physics problems proposed by the IPT. The teams, which come from 12 countries, then meet for 45-minute battles. The principle is simple: your team challenges another on a specific problem, they present their results, you oppose them and question their findings, and a third team reviews the battle to help the jury in its assessment. [Full details]
These are open-ended physics problems, and the jury expects experimental work, not just theory. What would the model of your experience be? That’s a very important point.
The problems discussed in the French final were varied. The ENS de Lyon team presented Magnetic cannon, Sultry day and Cross-talking metronomes. And it challenged its rivals on Sultry day, Popsicle cobra and Sticky Balloon.