From Tue, 23/02/2016
to Sun, 17/07/2016
© (c) ENS de Lyon
Conferences, roundtables and a participatory inventory of earthen architectures
Programme at the Musée des Confluences
An exhibition entitled “Modern earthen houses” (until July 17), as well as workshops for children and adults, conferences, roundtables and a participatory inventory of earthen architectures (with the help of Anne-Sophie Clémençon of the EVS lab).
You live or work in an earthen building in Lyon or its outskirts? Take part in this inventory to help further our understanding of this cultural heritage (see links on the right). The current gaps in our knowledge are in part due to the negative image these earthen buildings had throughout history and the challenges of setting up inventories. But as demolitions and inappropriate renovations threaten this precious heritage, it becomes urgent to protect it.
Useful links
Programme at the Musée des Confluences (in French)
Website of "Lyon, earth capital 2016" (in French)
Website of Terra 2016
Inventory of earthern architectures (in French)
Programme of "Lyon earth capital 2016"
Terra 2016 poster