From Mon, 07/11/2016
to Thu, 10/11/2016
- Monod Campus
Salle 1 place de l'Ecole
© (c) ENS de Lyon
International and interdisciplinary meeting on Linear Logic
The contribution of linear logic to the logical foundations of computer science has also influenced other fields, e.g. computational linguistics and quantum computing, and it has inspired philosophical investigations around the computational approach to logic. For these reasons the present event aims to gather mathematicians, computer scientists and philosophers in order to foster interaction in research on linear logic.
Linear Logic 2016 will be a four-day meeting in Lyon, including three events:
- Autumn school on linear logic (Nov 7-8) for master and PhD students willing to learn about Linear Logic
- Workshop 'Linear logic and philosophy' (Nov 8, afternoon)
- Workshop 'Linear logic, mathematics and computer science' (Nov 9-10)
Supported by: Labex MILYON, GDRI Linear logic (CNRS), ENS de Lyon.