From Wed, 26/04/2017
to Sat, 29/04/2017
© (c) ENS de Lyon
The French Societies for Cell Biology and Developmental Biology organize their 2nd joint meeting.
The goal of the conference is to highlight how fundamental questions in Developmental Biology and Cell Biology are intimately linked.
Presentations from prestigious invited speakers and selected short talks will cover latest progresses in gene regulation, nuclear architecture, cell polarity, cell migration, signalling, morphogenesis, reprogramming, signalling and emergent models.
Time will be devoted to stimulate exchanges and share expertise.
Keynote Speakers :
- Julie Ahringer - UK
- Yohanns Bellaiche - France
- Olivier Pourquié - USA
Organizing Committee: Antoine Guichet, Paris - Christophe Jagla, Clermont-Ferrand, René-Marc Mège, Paris - Samir Merabet, IGFL Lyon - Grégoire Michaux, Rennes - Michèle Studer, Nice