Extent of CO2 and CO ices in the trans-Neptunian region revealed by JWST Mon, 09/09/2024 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Nature Astronomy on May 22, 2024. Communication by CNRS Earth & Space on June 19, 2024. Article
How old is the Eye of Africa? Mon, 09/09/2024 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in Lithos on June 18, 2024. Communication by UBO on July 8, 2024. Article
Two LGL-TPE members honored Thu, 04/07/2024 Honors and awards Francis Albarède Professor emeritus at ENS de Lyon, was appointed Officer of the French National Order of Merit. Isabelle Daniel, Professor at Lyon 1 University and alumna of ENS Lyon, received the Merit Award 2024 from the French Society of Mineralogy and Crystallography. Article
Janne Blichert-Toft, recipient of The 2024 EAG Urey Award Fri, 16/02/2024 Honors and awards In early February, the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG) awarded the H.C. Urey Prize to Janne Blichert-Toft, CNRS Research Director at LGL-TPE. Janne Blichert-Toft has made a major contribution to the advancement of knowledge in geochemistry, particularly in the study of planetary mantles and the Earth's crust. Article
Exceptionally well preserved fossil bed discovered in south of France Fri, 09/02/2024 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution on February 9, 2024. Press alert of CNRS on February 9, 2024. Article
Gilles Chabrier awarded the Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal 2024 Mon, 22/01/2024 Honors and awards Gilles Chabrier, Emeritus CNRS Research Director in CRAL AstroENS team, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Exeter, receives the prestigious Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, for his outstanding contributions to astrophysics and galactic astronomy. Article
Silver - From metal to coins Thu, 16/11/2023 News Horizon, the EU Research & Innovation Magazine, focuses on the project led by Francis Albarède, recipient of an ERC Advanced grant in 2016. Article
Mars: new evidence of an environment conducive to the emergence of life Wed, 09/08/2023 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Nature, on August 9, 2023. Press release of CNRS on August 9, 2023. Article
Family portraits in the Neolithic: from family trees to social behavior Tue, 01/08/2023 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Nature, on July 26, 2023. Communication of CNRS-INEE on August 1st, 2023. Article
No crustal flow east of Tibet Mon, 26/06/2023 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Tectonophysics on April 28, 2023. Communication of the CNRS-INSU on June 12, 2023. Article
IUF 2023: three new members at ENS de Lyon Thu, 08/06/2023 Honors and awards Congratulations to Samuel Angiboust (geology), Anne Benoit (computer science) and Grégory Miermont (mathematics), as well as to the alumni nominated. Article
A new key discovery for tracing the origins of life Fri, 10/02/2023 Press release, Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A on January 11, 2023. Press realease of the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University on February 10, 2023. Article
Discovery of an alternative organic synthesis route in hydrothermal environments Mon, 06/02/2023 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Nature Communications on January 21, 2023. Communication of the CNRS-INSU on February 3, 2023. Article
Mapping the chemistry of the Earth's mantle Thu, 08/12/2022 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal PNAS on November 21, 2022. CNRS-INSU communication on December 7, 2022. Article
The American Geophysical Union awards Janne Blichert-Toft Fri, 14/10/2022 News Janne Blichert-Toft receives the Harry H. Hess Medal. Communication from the CNRS Rhône Auvergne. Article
Eclogitic geodes reveal the permeability of the oceanic crust Mon, 30/05/2022 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Geology on May 12, 2022. CNRS-INSU communication on May 23, 2022. Article
CNRS Bronze medal 2022 Thu, 14/04/2022 Honors and awards Congratulations to Marianne Métoix (LGL-TPE), Aurèle Piazza (LBMC) and Lucile Savary (LPENSL), recipients of the 2022 bronze medal awarded by the CNRS. Article
Perseverance records the first ever sounds from Mars Mon, 04/04/2022 Press release, Publication Publication of LGL-TPE in Nature on April 1st, 2022. CNRS press release on April 1st, 2022. Article
Were dinosaur communities stable before their extinction? A dietary perspective using calcium isotopes Fri, 11/03/2022 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Bulletin of the Geological Society of America on February 10, 2022. CNRS-INSU communication on March 10, 2022. Article
Cambrian animals show their muscles Wed, 16/02/2022 News, Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal eLife on January 31, 2022. CNRS-INSU communication on February 11, 2022. Article
Metals in the body: biomarkers of aging and metabolic health Wed, 09/02/2022 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Nature Communications on February 1st, 2022. CNRS-INSB communication on February 9, 2022. Article
A new model for the formation of the lunar crust Thu, 13/01/2022 Press release, Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. Press release on January 13, 2022. Article
Raman spectroscopy to determine CO2 solubility in mafic silicate melts at high pressure: Haplobasaltic, haploandesitic and approach of basaltic compositions Thu, 02/12/2021 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Chemical Geology on November 5, 2021. Article
The physical basis of mollusk shell chiral coiling Wed, 24/11/2021 Publication Publication of LGL-TEP in the journal PNAS on November 30, 2021. Article
Janne Blichert-Toft, recipient of the Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal Wed, 10/11/2021 Honors and awards The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has named the 50 recipients of 2022 Union Medals and Awards. These individuals are honoured for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences. Article
A poorly mixed mantle transition zone and its thermal state inferred from seismic waves Thu, 04/11/2021 Publication Study by the LGL-TPE published in the journal Nature Geoscience on November 4, 2021. Article
Mars: first results from the Perseverance rover Fri, 08/10/2021 Press release, Publication Publication of LGL-TPE in Science on October 7, 2021. CNRS press release on October 7, 2021. Article
Present-day geodynamics of the Western Alps: new insights from earthquake mechanisms Tue, 05/10/2021 Publication Publication of LGL-TPE in the journal Solid Earth on July 21, 2021. Article
InSight Mission: Mars unveiled Fri, 23/07/2021 Publication Using information obtained from around a dozen earthquakes detected on Mars by the Very Broad Band SEIS seismometer, developed in France, the international team of NASA's InSight mission has unveiled the internal structure of Mars. Article
Cellular remains in a ~3.42-billion-year-old subseafloor hydrothermal environment Fri, 23/07/2021 Publication Publication in partnership with LGL-TPE in the journal Science Advances on July 14, 2021. Article
Impact glasses from Belize represent tektites from the Pleistocene Pantasma impact crater in Nicaragua Thu, 17/06/2021 Publication Publication by LGL-TPE in Nature Communications Earth & Environment on May 17, 2021. Article
Colonisation of the Antilles by South American fauna: giant sunken islands as a passageway? Tue, 18/05/2021 Publication Communication from CNRS on May 18, 2021. Publication of LGL-TPE in the June 2021 issue of Earth-Science Reviews. Article
Isabelle Daniel among the 10 most influential Earth scientists today Tue, 04/05/2021 Publication The Academic influence website recently published a list of the 10 most influential scientists for their exciting and innovative contributions to the study of Earth sciences. Among them is Isabelle Daniel, a former student of the ENS de Lyon and member of the Laboratory of geology of Lyon. Article
Mars didn’t dry up in one go Thu, 08/04/2021 Publication Publication of LGL-TPE in Geology on April 8, 2021. CNRS press release of April 8, 2021. Article
Quantifying the evolution of animal dairy intake in humans using calcium isotopes Fri, 05/03/2021 Publication Article
NASA’s Perseverance Rover Landed on Mars Thu, 18/02/2021 News After seven months of travel, the NASA's Perseverance Rover landed on Mars on Thursday, February 18, 2021. Its mission is, among other things, to search for traces of ancient life on the Red Planet. Article
Metallization of Shock-Compressed Liquid Ammonia Fri, 12/02/2021 Publication Participation of LGL-TPE in an article published in Phys. Rev. Lett. on January 13, 2021 Article
Electrical conductivity of warm dense silica from double-shock experiments Fri, 05/02/2021 Publication Article
Climatic change and diet of the pre-Hispanic population of Gran Canaria during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age Thu, 04/02/2021 Publication Publication of the LGL-TPE in the Journal of Archaeogical Science on 4 February 2021. Article
ERC Consolidator 2020 grants: two recipients at ENS de Lyon Wed, 09/12/2020 Honors and awards Article
Deep magma facilitates the movement of tectonic plates Fri, 23/10/2020 Publication Press Release - Paris – October 19, 2020 Article
Cuticular reticulation replicates the pattern of epidermal cells in lowermost Cambrian scalidophoran worms Tue, 12/05/2020 Publication Publication by LGL-TPE in Proceedings of the Royal Society B on May 6, 2020. Article
Scientists observe bacteria tumble their way out of surface traps Tue, 05/05/2020 Publication EurekAlert press release. Publication by Laboratoire de géologie de Lyon and Laboratoire de physique, in Biophysical Journal on May 5, 2020. Article
ENS de Lyon gives HCL a hand Wed, 15/04/2020 News The research laboratories of ENS de Lyon are continuing to support hospitals and public services that are on the front line of the health crisis. Article
δ2H of water from fluid inclusions in Proterozoic halite: Evidence for a deuterium-depleted hydrosphere? Wed, 01/04/2020 Publication Publication by LGL-TPE in Chemical Geology on May 2020. Article
ENS de Lyon steps into action to help the HCL hospitals Tue, 31/03/2020 News The research laboratories of ENS de Lyon are helping support hospitals and public services that are on the front line of the health crisis. Article
Tech4Earth 2020: 2 winning projects from ENS de Lyon Wed, 26/02/2020 News The selection committee met on January 23, 2020 and announced the six winning projects from the Tech4Earth call for proposals. Two of them are carried by ENS de Lyon. Article
A Year of Surprising Science From NASA's InSight Mars Mission Tue, 25/02/2020 Press release CNRS press release on February 24, 2020. Article