Matthieu Platre, recipient of the 2018 Young researchers Bettencourt prize Mon, 10/12/2018 Honors and awards The Prize for young researchers is awarded annually to 14 young doctors of science or medical doctors to enable them to do their postdoctoral internships in the best foreign laboratories. Article
Natalia Solomatova receives one of the AGU Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Student Research Awards Tue, 21/08/2018 Honors and awards Article
My Thesis in 180 seconds: Louise Souquet won the regional final Tue, 03/04/2018 Honors and awards Article
The book "Plastic Bodies" by Emilia Sanabria has won two awards Tue, 30/01/2018 Honors and awards, Publication Plastic Bodies is already well on its way to becoming a touchstone in the medical anthropology and STS literatures on gender, bodies, and pharmaceuticals. Article