Turbocharged supercapacitors from new ionic liquids Wed, 02/10/2019 Publication Publication by Laboratoire de chimie, in Nature Materials, on August 2019. Article
Health 2019, the hidden portion of the iceberg Wed, 16/01/2019 Publication Two complementary publications from RDP laboratory and IXXI institute set out to define a systemic approach to the major challenges of the present. Article
HE Mingyuan, Chinese chemist Thu, 12/05/2016 Portrait Doctor Honoris Causa of ENS de Lyon - May 12, 2016 Article
FC2GChem: French-Chinese conference on Green Chemistry, a better chemistry for a better life International Conference / Symposium from Mon, 09/05/2016 to Fri, 13/05/2016 Green Chemistry Event
[POSTPONED] FC2G-Chem: French-Chinese conference on Green Chemistry Conference from Mon, 21/09/2020 to Thu, 24/09/2020 Event