COVID-19: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) existed before the pandemic Mon, 04/12/2023 Press release, Publication Publication of the CIRI in the New England Journal of Medicine on November 30, 2023. Press release of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University on November 30, 2023. Article
Covid-19: infection-vaccination combination best protects against reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 Thu, 23/03/2023 Press release, Publication Publication of the CIRI in the journal Science Translational Medicine on March 15, 2023. Press realease of the INSERM on March 17, 2023. Article
Development of a pentavalent vaccine against New World arenaviruses Tue, 17/01/2023 Publication Publication of the CIRI in the journal Nature Microbiology on January 5, 2023. Communication of the Institut Pasteur on January 6, 2023. Article
How can bats harbor so many viruses without developing symptoms? Mon, 28/11/2022 Press release, Publication Publication of the CIRI in the journal Science Advances on November 23, 2022. CNRS press alert on November 23, 2022. Article
Lessons from Covid-19: a detailed roadmap to improve One Health approaches is available at last Fri, 28/10/2022 Press release, Publication Publication of the French Scientific Council on Covid-19 in the journal The Lancet on October 24, 2022. CIRAD press release on October 26, 2022. Article
COVID-19: Keys to the disease in the past of primate and bat genes? Thu, 08/09/2022 Publication Publication of the CIRI in the journal PNAS on August 10, 2022. CNRS-INSB communication on September 7, 2022. Article
Defeating viruses by targeting metabolism and antiviral immunity Fri, 15/04/2022 News News on the VIRIMI team (Viral Infection, Metabolism and Immunity) of CIRI. Communication by the CNRS Foundation on April 14, 2022. Article
Covid-19 - Towards a vaccination strategy adapted to immunosuppressed patients Mon, 28/02/2022 News, Publication Publication of the CIRI in the journal Science Translational Medicine on February 1st, 2022. Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University focus on February 24, 2022. Article
Enveloped viruses distinct from HBV induce dissemination of hepatitis D virus in vivo Wed, 08/05/2019 Publication Publication by the International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI) in Nature Communications on May 8, 2019. Article
Encouraging a holistic approach in the fight against infectious diseases Wed, 20/03/2019 News Infectious diseases, the main causes of human mortality according to the WHO, have always been a particular concern for society. Article
Solène Denolly, recipient of the thesis prize "Fundamental Research on Virtual Hepatitis" Tue, 19/02/2019 Honors and awards This award is given for theses defended in 2018 on viral hepatitis. Article
Farnesoid X receptor-α is a proviral host factor for hepatitis B virus that is inhibited by ligands in vitro and in vivo Mon, 05/11/2018 Publication Article
The NS Segment of H1N1pdm09 Enhances H5N1 Pathogenicity in a Mouse Model of Influenza Virus Infections Mon, 17/09/2018 Publication Article
Demographic fluctuation of community-acquired antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus lineage Thu, 05/04/2018 Publication Potential role of flimsy antibiotic exposure Article
IBRS 2018: Host and microbes Summer / Winter school from Mon, 19/11/2018 to Fri, 30/11/2018 The International Biosciences Research Schools are a series of two-week courses in English organised in the form of a conference, with introductory lectures and research talks by international leading scientists in the field. Event
Centre international de recherche en infectiologie - CIRI Status UMR 5308 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Characterisation of a novel member of the Trim family as a novel pantropic viral inhibitor Student Thesis Defence Thu, 08/09/2022 Event
ERC project "HEPCENT" by François-Loïc Cosset Project Molecular Analysis of Hepatitis C Virus Neutralization and Entry For the Development of Novel Antiviral Immunopreventive Strategies Content