Title: From Newspapers advertisements to « lived » and « perceived » space
Directors: Christian HENRIOT & FENG Xiaocai
Discipline: History
Status: Developing Project
Starting date: 2015/2013. This project is the continuation of the project Digital and historical data integration-A three-dimentional reconstruction of Shanghai urban transformation, incubated at JoRISS from 2013 to 2015 under the direction of FENG Xiaocai & Christian HENRIOT.
The proposed two-year program intends to establish an innovative approach to the processing of historical data from the extraction of basic units of information spread across a wide range of primary materials, to their compilation in database format, to their visualization through cutting-edge technology. It is based on the large collection of a textual data culled from four major Shanghai newspapers over a period of sixty years (1907-1966). The main corpora are the advertisements published by entertainment establishments in these newspapers. Aside from integrating these data into GIS server and web mapping, we plan to design new tools to exploit the potential of this wealth of data, especially in two main directions, visual narratives, and dynamic GIS.