The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyonis headed by a President assisted by Vice-Presidents. The President fully exercises the powers conferred on university presidents by article L712-2 (excluding paragraph 10) of the French Education Code.
Emmanuel Trizac, President

Emmanuel Trizac was appointed President of ENS de Lyon by decree of the President of the Republic of France on May 24, 2023.
Alumnus of ENS Lyon (Sciences competitive examination 1991), Emmanuel Trizac is a physicist specializing in the statistical physics of complex systems, with theoretical and numerical aspects. After completing his PhD thesis at ENS Lyon, he has carried out a post-doctorate at the FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics in Amsterdam, before joining the Université Paris-Sud in 1998. His academic career there spanned 25 years, during which he assumed increasing teaching, administrative and institutional responsibilities. In 2021, he became Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Sciences at Université Paris-Saclay, where he oversaw 41 research units grouped into 7 departments. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the ENS in Paris since 2019 and President of the Langevin Prize of the French Physics Society.
Key dates:
- 2021-23: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Science at Université Paris-Saclay
- 2014-2020: CPMR (Centre de Physique Matière et Radiation) project leader, with a €98 million grant from the Commissariat Général à l'Investissement.
- 2012-2020: Director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Statistical Models (UMR 8626)
- 2006-2020: Head of the Master in Complex Systems at Université Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay.
- 2008-2013: Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF, Academic Institute of France)
- 2008-2012: Elected member of the CoNRS (national scientific research committee) section 2 (physical phenomena, theories and models)
- 2005-2007: Visiting professor at UC San Diego, then at the University of Barcelona.
- Since 2004: Full professor
- 2003: HDR (Advanced PhD (a degree necessary in order to supervise a PhD research)) defense
Agnès Gahigi, Chief of Staff

Agnès Gahigi spent several years at the ComUE Université de Lyon where she was in charge of the operational coordination of the scientific component of the IdexLyon project. She worked for ten years at the Rhône-Alpes Regional Delegation for Research and Technology and also held positions in the international relations and valorisation departments at the Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne.
Key dates:
- January 2022: ENS de Lyon - Project Manager, then Chief of Staff
- May 2018: Université de Lyon - Deputy Director General in charge of the Investment Programs for the Future
- January 2006: Rhône-Alpes Regional Delegation for Research and Technology - Deputy Regional Delegate
- 2004: Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne - Head of the International Relations Department
- 1997: Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne - Head of the Research and Development Department
The Vice-President for Academic Affairs is appointed by the President to implement the School's curriculum policy. She coordinates and supervises all training activities and student-life initiatives. She is the School's point of reference for this policy, both internally and externally.
Emmanuelle Boulineau, Vice-President for Academic Affairs

Emmanuelle Boulineau is an alumnus of ENS Fontenay-Saint-Cloud. She has a PhD from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and has been a lecturer in geography at ENS de Lyon since 2005.
She became a Full Professor at the School in 2019 and is a member of the Laboratory Environment, City, Society (EVS). Her work focuses on territorial reforms in Central and Eastern Europe in the context of European accession and enlargement. She headed the CNRS GIS “Connaissances de l'Europe médiane” from 2019 to 2022.
Emmanuelle Boulineau was Head of the European and International Studies Master's program (2016-2021), Director of the Social Sciences Department (2016-2019) and Chargé de mission to the Vice-President of Academic Affairs. Since the start of the 2021 academic year, she has been Vice-President of Academic Affairs at ENS Lyon.
The Vice-Presidency for Research is the President's representative for all matters relating to research policy and strategy. It coordinates and leads all the School's research and innovation activities. It is the School's point of reference for this policy, both internally and externally, and guarantees its implementation.
This vice-presidency is jointly assumed by two Vice-Presidents for Research.
Christine Détrez, Vice-President for Research

Christine Détrez is an alumnus of the École normale supérieure of rue d’Ulm (ENS-PSL) and an agrégée (tenured instructor in the French Ministry of Education) in classics.
She has a PhD in sociology (ENS/EHESS), and has taught at ENS de Lyon since 2000 (first as an Associate Professor, then as a Full Professor). She was director of the Education Laboratory and, from 2019 to the end of 2023, director of the Max Weber Center. Her areas of specialization are the sociology of culture, gender and emotions.
François Roudier, Vice-President for Research

Winner of the University of Lyon's IMPULSION call for projects, François Roudier, an epigenetic biologist, has been a Full Professor at ENS de Lyon since 2016. He has a PhD from Université Paris-Sud (today Université Paris-Saclay). Following a post-doctoral internship in the United States, he joined the plant genomics research unit at the Génopole of Evry as a CNRS researcher, and continued his research activities at the Institute of Biology at ENS-PSL for around ten years. The research team he set up and has been leading since 2017 at the Plant Reproduction and Development Laboratory at ENS de Lyon focuses on the epigenetic regulation of developmental programs using multiscale approaches. He has been Director of the ENS de Lyon Biology Department (2019-2022), then Deputy Director (2022-2023), and has coordinated the France-Japan International Research Network /Frontiers in Plant Biology/ since 2022.
The Vice-Presidency for International Relations is the President's point of contact on international issues. It defines and implements the school's international and attractiveness policy in education and research, in line with the School's strategy and in close collaboration with the other vice-presidencies.
Vincent Michelot, Vice-President for International Relations
An alumnus of ENS Saint-Cloud (1981) and agrégé in English (1984), Vincent Michelot is a Full Professor of US Political History at Sciences Po Lyon, member of Triangle laboratory. He obtained his PhD from the University of Provence (Aix-Marseille University today) in 1996 and his habilitation to direct research in 2004 from Sciences Po Paris. His research focuses on the workings of US institutions, constitutional law and electoral issues. He has spent most of his career in Lyon, first as an Associate Professor at Université Lumière Lyon 2 (1994-2004) in the Department of Anglophone Studies, then as a Full Professor at Sciences Po Lyon (2004-2019), where he was successively Director of International Relations (2011-2014) and Director (2014-2016). Member of the Board of Directors of Fulbright France, consultant to the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Vincent Michelot was Attaché for Academic Cooperation and Director of Campus France USA at the French Embassy in the United States from September 2019 to August 2023.
The Vice-Presidency for Strategy assists the President with the school's cross-functional transformation projects: ecological transition, social openness, social dialogue, site strategy. It participates in defining and implementing these projects in close collaboration with the other vice-presidencies, in particular by monitoring the School's institutional relations with its partners.
Stephane Parola, Vice-President for Strategy

Stephane Parola is Professor of Chemistry and an expert in the field of hybrid materials and nanomaterials. In 1996, he obtained a PhD with the European label between the Université Nice-Sophia-Antipolis (today Université Côte d'Azur) and Chalmers University of Technology (Göteborg, Sweden), where he spent three years, working on molecular precursors of materials for soft chemistry processes, and teaching inorganic chemistry to students at the school. He was recruited as Associate Professor at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, IUT, in 1997, where he obtained his Habilitation to direct research in 2004 and a position as Professor in 2005. His previous positions include Deputy Director of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at Lyon 1 University, member of the Lyon 1 University Scientific Council, Deputy Director and then Director of the Chemistry Laboratory at ENS de Lyon (2020-2023, current term). His research activities focus on fundamental issues in nanomaterials for applications in medical imaging, the environment and depollution process by light, as well as photonics.
Lyasid Hammoud, Chief Operation Officer

Lyasid Hammoud holds a postgraduate degree in business law from the University of Rouen. Before joining the ENS de Lyon, he worked for France Telecom, the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) – a career encompassing the legal, financial and human aspects of administration, as well as matters of technology transfer and partnerships.
Key dates:
- 1999: France Telecom group – in charge of mergers and acquisitions
- 2000-2002: INRIA (French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation), legal advisor for public procurement, European contracts and intellectual property rights
- 2002-2006: CNRS – Department of legal affairs – advisor for contracts and intellectual property
- 2006-2007: CNRS – Special advisor to the director-general of the CNRS for the legal implementation of the 7th European Framework Programme for Research.
- 2006-2009: CNRS Institute of biological sciences – head of partnerships and technology transfer
- 2009-2012: CNRS Institute of biological sciences – deputy to the administrative and financial director (300 laboratories and research units, 5,000 agents)
- 2012-May 2015: CNRS Institute of physics – administrative and financial director (120 laboratories and research units, 2,200 agents).