The notice of vacacy has been published in the Journal officiel de la République française on November 19, 2022.
ENS de Lyon has entrusted Cédric Villani with the mission of chairing a recruitment committee for the renewal of the mandate for President (M/F) for ENS de Lyon. This committee will help identify suitable candidates and assist them to apply for the position.
The committee is composed of:
- Cédric Villani, University Professor, Mathematics, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University
- Delphine Antoine-Mahut, University Professor, Philosophy, ENS de Lyon
- Sylvie Demurger, CNRS Research Director, Economics, ENS de Lyon
- Alice Guionnet, CNRS research director, Mathematics, ENS de Lyon, member of the French Academy of Sciences
- Benjamin Huard, University Professor, Physics, ENS de Lyon
- Laurent Lavaud, University Professor, Philosophy, ENS de Lyon
- Matthieu Lefrançois, Principal of Student Association at ENS de Lyon, Fontenay-aux-Roses and Saint-Cloud
- François Leulier, CNRS Research Director, Biology
- Agilio Padua, University Professor, Chemistry, ENS de Lyon, senior member of the University Institute of France
- Philippe Rygiel, University Professor, History, ENS de Lyon
As mentioned in the notice of vacancy for the position of President of ENS de Lyon, team members with scientific competencies in the fields of activity of the School, sciences and humanities, may be candidates for this position. Experience in the conduct of major structuring projects and in the management of higher education and/or research institutions will be appreciated. Particular attention will need to be paid to the structuring of higher education at the Lyon Saint-Étienne site.
See the notice of vacancy (in French)