International Women's Rights Day 2023 at ENS de Lyon

International Women's Rights Day 2023 at ENS de Lyon

Fri, 03/03/2023


Discover the events supported by ENS de Lyon to the occasion of this day

International Women's Day (according to the official UNO designation) is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.


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Exhibition Étonnantes voyageuses autour du monde
Amazing women travelers around the world

From March 6 to 17, at the initiative of the CROUS of Lyon, the restaurants of the Descartes and Monod sites will host the exhibition "Étonnantes voyageuses autour du monde", created by the association femmes ici et ailleurs.

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Parlez-nous de... L'accès des femmes aux savoirs
Tell us about... Women's access to knowledge

Postponed to March 28. The Diderot Library in Lyon will host a major interview with Michèle Le Dœuff, on the occasion of the re-publication of her book Sexe du savoir by the Éditions de l'ENS de Lyon. The philosopher, former director of research at the CNRS and professor at the University of Geneva, will discuss with Christine Détrez, sociologist, director of the Center Max Weber at ENS de Lyon, this major and essential work, a true reference for the history of philosophy, women and gender.

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Sexisme sans façon
Sexism in no way

On March 9, the Equality Officer of the ENS de Lyon is proposing to discover the forms that sexism takes in the workplace during a game. Created by the National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions (ANACT), Sexisme sans façon provides a first approach to the theme of sexist and sexual violence. A moment will be devoted to presenting the legal framework and the reporting system at ENS de Lyon.

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The Equality Officer regularly carries out awareness-raising activities among the staff of ENS de Lyon. It also participated in the Fête de la Sciences 2022, where it led a session on the exhibition "The Matilda Effect", created by CNRS.


Sciences, un métier de femmes #7
Science, a woman's profession

Exceptionally postponed to March 30, the 7th edition of the "Sciences, a woman's profession" day will be held this year on the INSA campus. The objective of this day of meetings between high school girls and women working in technological fields is to show by example that all scientific professions are mixed, to convince young girls to think about science in their orientation, while having confidence in their ability to succeed. Organized by Isabelle Vauglin (CRAL) and Audrey Mazur (labex ASLAN), the event is supported by ENS de Lyon, as part of its actions in favor of equality.

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Janne Blichert-Toft
Geochemist, CNRS Research Director at the Laboratory of Geology of Lyon: Earth, Planets, Environment (LGL-TPE)
In 2022, Janne Blichert-Toft received the, Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal, the American Geophysical Union Harry H. Hess Medal and the Dolomieu Prize from the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research, French Academy of Sciences

Elsa Boulet
PhD, attached to Max Weber Center
Elsa Boulet received the Humanity and Urbanities Prize of Lyon Young Research Award 2022.

Gwyneth Ingram
CNRS Research Director and Director of the Plant Reproduction and Development laboratory (RDP)
In 2022, Gwyneth Ingram has been elected EMBO member and received the Foulon Prize of French Academy of Science.

Alice Malivert
PhD student in biological sciences at the Plant Reproduction and Development laboratory (RDP)
Alice Malivert is recipient of the L'Oréal-UNESCO 2022 French Young Talent Award, as of three ENS de Lyon alumni : Alice Contat, mathematician (Sciences competitive exam 2016), Angèle Niclas, mathematician (Sciences competitive exam 2015) and Emma Risson, medical biologist (MD-PhD program between ENS de Lyon and the Université de Lyon).

Marianne Métois
Lecturer at Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 University, member of LGL-TPE
Marianne Métois is one of the three ENS de Lyon laureates of the CNRS Bronze medal 2022.

Lucile Savary
CNRS Researcher at the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon
Lucile Savary is one of the three ENS de Lyon laureates of the CNRS Bronze medal 2022.

Laurence Roulleau-Berger
CNRS Research Director at Triangle laboratory
In 2022 Laurence Roulleau Berger has been decorated Kight of the National Order of Merit.

Frédérique Rozier
CNRS Engineer at the Plant Reproduction and Development laboratory (RDP)
Frédérique Rozier is laureate of the CNRS Crystal medal 2022.

Ni Luh Dewi Sintiari
PhD at the Parallel computation Laboratory (LIP)
In 2022, Ni Luh Dewi Sintari has been awarded accessit of the "Charles Delorme" Graphs Thesis Prize.