On Tuesday November 21, the French Academy of Sciences unveiled its next round of awards. Congratulations to UMPA member Jean-Christophe Mourrat and School alumnus Ludovic Berthier.
Alain Manceau - member of the Chemistry Laboratory -, Jean-Christophe Mourrat - member of the UMPA - Nelly Pustelnik and Lucile Savary - members of the Physics Laboratory -, and four School alumni - Bruno Antonny, Nicolas Bergeron, Ludovic Berthier and Mathieu Gibert - are honored by the French Academy of Sciences for their work.
The Académie des sciences unveiled the various prizes it has awarded for 2023. Through these prizes, which honour experienced scientists or young researchers at the start of their careers, the French Academy of Science contributes directly to its mission of encouraging scientific life.
The Académie des sciences pays tribute to them at the award ceremonies held under the dome of the Institut de France on October 17 and November 21, 2023.

Alain Manceau, recipient of the Léon Lutaud Prize and the Georges Millot Medal
Alain Manceau is CNRS Research Director emeritus, researcher at the Chemistry Laboratory of ENS de Lyon and at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble. He is an alumnus of the School (Sciences 1977 ENS Saint Cloud competitive entrance examination).

Jean-Christophe Mourrat, rivipient of the Prix Marc Yor prize
Jean-Christophe Mourrat is CNRS Research Director, member of the Pure and Applied Mathematics Unit

Nelly Pustelnik, recipient of a scientific grant from the Simone and Cino del Duca Foundation
Nelly Pustelnik is CNRS Research Director at the Physics laboratory of ENS de Lyon.

Lucile Savary, recipient of the Anatole and Suzanne Abragam /Fondation de l'Académie des sciences Prize
Lucile Savary is CNRS Researcher at the Physics laboratory of ENS de Lyon, alumnus of the School (Sciences 2005 competitive examination).

Bruno Antonny, recipient of the Émile Jungfleisch Grand Prize
Alumnus of the School, Sciences 1986 competitive examination (ENS Saint Cloud), Bruno Antonny is CNRS Research Director at the Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et cellulaire (CNRS/Université Côte d'Azur).

Nicolas Bergeron, recipient of the Prize "Fondé par l'État" (founded by the French State)
Alumnus of the School, Sciences 1994 competitive examination, Nicolas Bergeron is Professor at Sorbonne University and a member of the Mathematics and Applications Department at ENS-PSL.

Mathieu Gibert, recipient of the Edmond Brun/Suzanne Brun Foundation Académie des sciences Prize
Former student of ENS de Lyon, Master of Physics in 2004 then PhD in 2007, Physics Laboratory in Lyon. Mathieu Gibert is CNRS Researcher at the Institut Néel (CNRS/UGA).
More on the French Academy website

Ludovic Berthier, recipient of the Michelin Foundation - Académie des sciences Prize
Former student of ENS de Lyon, Master of Physics in 2004 then PhD in 2007, Physics Laboratory in Lyon. Ludovic Berthier is CNRS Research Director at the Charles Coulomb Laboratory (CNRS/University of Montpellier).