Professor, Pedagogy Department of the Faculty of Education, University of Sherbrooke
Visiting Professor 2022-23 - February 27 to March 28, 2023
Inviting Researcher: Luc Ria
A specialist in higher education, Christelle Lison is interested in post-secondary teacher training, curricular and pedagogical innovations and graduate supervision. Her research focuses on the training of doctoral students in pedagogy: identification of factors conducive to professional development; analysis of pedagogical professional development mechanisms for new Associate Professors.
Collaboration with the French Institute of Education (Ifé)
This stay at ENS de Lyon is part of a partnership project with Luc Ria (director of Ifé), in order to advance the work carried out within the Priority Research and Training Project (PPRF2) "Teaching in Higher Education", scientifically co-coordinated by Christelle Lison and Cyrille Gaudin (visiting researcher at Ifé). Christelle Lison will also work with the Ifé teams involved in research and training issues related to higher education. This stay is at the heart of the dynamic of support for the research work on higher education carried out by Luc Ria and Cyrille Gaudin, and the development of an international research network.
Christelle Lison has already completed several visiting professorships since 2011 and has worked with many people associated with various projects in the field of higher education. Thus, this invitation is a continuation of a partnership that began several years ago between the University of Sherbrooke and ENS de Lyon.
Lecture and Worshops
Lecture and worskshops will be done in French
4th Flash Webinar on Inclusion Issues
Thursday 9 March, - 1:00 p.m.-1:45 p.m.
- Training "Curriculum Approach and Competency Approach in Higher Education"
Thursday 23 and Friday 24 March
- Tutoring training in Higher Education
Monday 27 March
- Syllabus workshop
Thursday 31 March
Major works and publications
- LISON, Chr. et Petit, M. (2020). "Le développement de la réflexivité des étudiants en formation professionnelle et technique. Un dispositif construit autour d’un outil d’annotation vidéo en ligne". In S. Beaupré, J. Lefebvre et Y. de Champlain (dir.), L’analyse réflexive en enseignement professionnel et technique. De la théorie à la pratique (p. 129-143). Québec : Les Presses de l’Université du Québec.
- LISON, Chr. et Denis, C. (2020). "Digital and collaborative work : Winning couple?" In W. Nuninger et J.-M. Chatelet (éd.), Handbook of Research on Operational Quality Assurance in Higher Education for Life-Long Learning (p. 243-263). Hershey, PA : IGI Global
- Verchier, Y. and LISON, Chr. (In the works). "La crise sanitaire : une occasion de penser des pratiques d’évaluation dans le cadre d’un enseignement à distance". Médiations et médiatisations.
- Denis, C. and LISON, Chr. (In the works). "L’abandon aux études doctorales : un problème de direction ?" Revue internationale de pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur.