Proceedings of the colloquium in tribute to Christian Biet, held in July 2021. These proceedings, published by Classiques Garnier on January 10, 2024, were edited by Tiphaine Karsenti (Université Paris Nanterre), Olivier Neveux (ENS de Lyon and member of IHRIM) and Christophe Triau (Université Paris Nanterre).
On July 1, 2 and 3, 2021, a symposium was held in tribute to Christian Biet, who died the previous year. An international symposium on theatrical thought, originally prepared with him.
The proceedings have just been published by the organizers: Tiphaine Karsenti, Christophe Triau (Université Paris Nanterre) and Olivier Neveux, Professor of Theatre History and Aesthetics at ENS de Lyon, member of IHRIM and former doctoral student of Christian Biet. This book brings together texts by thirty-seven authors, keen to keep Christian Biet's research alive, in French and in English.
Professor of theater history and aesthetics at Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre since 1995, and member of the Institut Universitaire de France, Christian Biet obtained his agrégation in literature as an auditor at ENS Saint-Cloud, before becoming a lecturer in 17th-century literature at ENS Fontenay-Saint-Cloud. He was instrumental in the creation of the Theater option and the development of specialty tests for the competitive examination.

Éloge du désordre. Penser le théâtre avec Christian Biet
In praise of disorder. Thinking theater with Christian Biet
Tiphaine Karsenti, Olivier Neveux and Christophe Triau (eds.). Classiques Garnier, "Rencontres" series. January 10, 2024. 442 p.
DOI : 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-15810-3
Christian Biet's work is driven by a taste for disorder, which lies at the heart of his thinking and whose methodological use implies a new reflection on theater and its effects. This volume examines his work and the perspectives it opens up for theater studies.