The "ENS de Lyon/UCBL/UDL" team came top, with a final score of 161.84 points. In April, the team will therefore represent France in Switzerland.

Supervisors: Arsène Chemin, Jérémy Ferrand, Nicolas Plihon and Nicolas Taberlet
The 2019 edition of the French Physicists' Tournament, organized by the Youth Commission of the French Physics society and sponsored by the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, took place in Paris, on February 8-9, 2019.
After two days of intense and exciting meetings around ten open, unresolved and experimental physics problems, the French ranking was determined.
11 problems to solve:
- Tesla coil engine
- Apples and Oranges
- Broken Pencil
- Runaway bubbles
- Rail track divination
- Cup flyers
- Circle magnet
- Jet charged !
- String shooter
- Solar cell characterizer
- Pouring a Sandcastle.
Training and research
The preparation of the tournament and the competition itself requires students to work in teams to analyse a problem and to put forward a model. They also have to question a theory experimentally, meet researchers, present results, interact and work in an international context.