3 recipients of the 2019 French Fellowships l'Oréal-UNESCO from ENS de Lyon Mon, 14/10/2019 On Tuesday 8 October, 35 young women researchers received the Young Talent Award from the L'Oréal Foundation, in partnership with UNESCO. Article
ENS de Lyon won 2nd position at IPT 2019 Mon, 29/04/2019 News At the very end of a high-level final, the team of physics students from ENS Lyon finished second in the International Physicists' Tournament 2019, which was held from April 21 to 26 at EPFL in Switzerland. Article
Lucile Savary, recipient of the 2019 Young Scientist Prize in Statistical Physics Mon, 18/03/2019 Honors and awards, News Lucile Savary's Prize Lecture and Award Ceremony will be held in during the 27th International Conference on Statistical Physics – StatPhys 27 – from July 8 to July 12, 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Article
Best poster award for Anaïs Kobsch Wed, 06/03/2019 Honors and awards Prize awarded at the 2019 "Planet Formation and Evolution" workshop held at the University of Rostock from 27 February to 1 March 2019. Article
Solène Denolly, recipient of the thesis prize "Fundamental Research on Virtual Hepatitis" Tue, 19/02/2019 Honors and awards This award is given for theses defended in 2018 on viral hepatitis. Article
The ENS de Lyon team wins the 2019 national final of the French Physicists' Tournament (IPT) Fri, 15/02/2019 News The "ENS de Lyon/UCBL/UDL" team came top, with a final score of 161.84 points. In April, the team will therefore represent France in Switzerland. Article