1pm to 8h30 pm
Born of the desire to observe and make visible the creative processes within the framework of an interdisciplinary production, the ‘Art, science and experience’ research-creation project is the result of a meeting between a dozen researchers and as many artists. After a 1st day of meetings and exchanges, issues around emotions, the body and the differences/ similarities between creative approaches in the arts and sciences emerged spontaneously.
Four projects have been set up around four teams:
- Pain and therapies, entitled Là
- Dynamics, repetitions and rhythms, entitled Dynamics
- Critical systems, entitled Though in Equations
- AI, entitled Anaesthetised Intelligence
Over the course of a year, the 4 groups exchanged ideas, their work was observed by students from the philosophy department of ENS de Lyon and the groups shared their thoughts during collective sessions.
The result was a twofold production: collective works initiated as part of each of the projects, and an analysis of the co-creation process.
The aim of the event on the 5th of November is therefore to present both the reflection on the co-creation process as experienced by those involved, during a study day, and to present the works that have been produced. An exhibition will be opened and two performances will be given.
- From 13h: reception and opening of the exhibition
- Form 13h30 to 18h: study day, restitution of the experiment between researchers and artists
- From 19h: two performances on thoughts on equations and dynamics
- Following the performances and exhibition opening: cocktail reception.
Project presentation : Patrice Abry, Sara Franceschelli, David Gauthier
Seeing, knowing, artists on expeditions: Patrick Flandrin, Yann Bagot
Forms of neuroplasticity: graphic and philosophical itineraries: Patricia Ribault, Olaf Avenati
Interdisciplinarity: Sara Franceschelli, Patrice Abry, Lou-Anne Drevon, Alexandra Montcelet, Aslan Ozgur
Exhibiting creative research: David Gauthier
Patrice Abry, Sara Franceschelli, David Gauthier, Patrick Flandrin, Yann Bagot, Patricia Ribault, Olaf Avenati, Lou-Anne Drevon, Alexandra Montcelet, Aslan Ozgur
Free event subject to availability