7th European Congress of Mathematics

7th European Congress of Mathematics

18 Monday
From Mon, 18/07/2016 to Fri, 22/07/2016



Conference by Clément Mouhot, alumni

The 7th European Congress of Mathematics (7eECM) will take place in Berlin July 18 - 22. The program of the congress covers all areas of theoretical and applied mathematics. There will be 10 Plenary Lectures, including one by Clément Mouhot, ENS de Lyon's alumni and PhD. Cédric Villani being his PhD Thesis advisor.
Clément Mouhot is currently professor at University of Cambridge.
The Plenary Speakers were selected by the 7ECM Scientific Committee. All plenary lectures take place in the Audimax (H0105) in the main building of TU Berlin.
Dans le cadre de ce congrès mathématique se tiendra une exposition réalisée en collaboration avec plusieurs scientifiques et artistes. Il s'agit de "Views in 3-Manifolds".