This MaTRiTT project (2017) is an answer to the Xu Guangqi call of the French Ambassy in Beijin. It is a new step for the collaboration, in the domain of mathematics education, between the French Institute of Education (ENS de Lyon) and ECNU (Shanghai). This collaboration gave matter to previous seminars (for example here) and common paper (for example Pepin et al. 2016). This collaboration developed within the joint educational research platform hosted by JoRISS. The current project involved two researchers in IFÉ (Luc Trouche and Sophie Soury-Lavergne), two researchers in ECNU (Jianshen Bao and Binyan Xu) and three Ph.D. students (ENS de Lyon, S2HEP, EPIC) co-supervised by these researchers (see their presentations below).
MaTRiTT means Mathematics Teachers Resources in a Time of Transitions. Transitions means curricular transitions, and digital transitions. These transition imply a metamorphosis of mathematics teachers work, that the MaTRiTT project analyses throughout their interactions with their resources. Situated in the frame of the documentational approach to didactics (Gueudet & Trouche 2009), MaTRiTT is particularly interested in teachers’ resource systems, and in teachers’ collective work. This project analyses this metamorphosis in opening two windows on Chinese and French math teachers documentation work. The MaTRiTT project is associated to the PREMaTT French project (Penser les ressources des enseignants de mathématiques dans un temps de transitions), developing in the region of Lyon. A better understanding of the metamorphosis at stake is hoped to be gained from this confronting point of view.
Three issues are structuring the MaTRiTT project, and are addressed by three Ph.D students, each of them co-supervised by a Chinese and a French researcher. Their MaTRiTT contribution corresponds to their own interest of research, and is a part of their Ph.D.: Luxizi Zhang (co-supervised by Pr. Bao and Pr. Trouche) analyzes the structure and use of textbooks in China and France (a preliminary contribution has been given in ECNU last September); Fangchun Zhu (co-supervised by Pr. Xu and Pr. Soury-Lavergne), analyzes the use of dynamic geometry software in China and France (a preliminary contribution has been given in ECNU last October); Chongyang Wang (co-supervised by Pr. Xu and Pr. Trouche) analyzes teachers’ collective documentation work in China and France.
These contributions will be further developed and give matter to a report, to be published in January. This seminar constitutes the final event for the MaTRiTT project. It gathers, thanks to videoconferencing, the two teams, in Shanghai and Lyon, and benefits of the participation of a researcher from Japan, currently present in Lyon, Takeshi Miyakawa.