New Trends in the Research of the Yangtze Delta in China

New Trends in the Research of the Yangtze Delta in China

10 Tuesday
Tue, 10/05/2016

2:00pm - 3:30pm



by DONG Jianbo, associate professor, Department of History, ECNU

DONG Jianbo, associate professor, Department of History, ECNU, will give a conference on :  "New Trends in the Research of the Yangtze Delta in China"
In recent years, there are some new trends in the historical research of the Yangtze Delta. The research of the regional history during modern and contemporary era is getting more popularity. Chinese historians have found more new research subjects and new research fields. Besides the expansion of research topics, new historical documents have been collected in this research field, which include archives, diaries, genealogies, account books, oral historical documents, maps, photos and videos, etc. Meanwhile, research methods regarding the study of the regional history of the Delta have been updated. More historians begin to be engaged in social surveys and to do historical fieldwork in this region.
Professor Dong will present in this IAO seminar the main research topics in current China about the Yangtze delta and the different sources used by Chinese researchers in the field of history.
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