Prisons of the world: contemporary policies and practices of imprisonment
This interdisciplinary conference aims to propose a variety of perspectives on prison studies, to explore other views of imprisonment in the world.
While imprisonment is historically a global phenomenon, the analysis of penal dynamics is almost exclusively carried out in Western countries. This conference stems from a desire to open it up to more perspectives. It aims to discuss the history of prisons in developing countries and how a purportedly universal penitentiary model emerged. It also aims to explore what prison in developing countries says about its functioning in Western countries.
This conference institutionalizes the network on research on the Economics of Sentence and Imprisonment in Africa, which was set up in 2014 with funding from ANR in October 2015, as part of the eponymous programme coordinated by Frederic Le Marcis at the ENS de Lyon and Marie Morelle at UMR Prodig/Paris 1. This conference, which will mark the launch in Lyon of the community platform Prison Insider, also aims to be an intersection between a trend of dynamic research and citizens’ initiatives.
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The event is free of charge but registration is required.
Scientific direction: Frédéric Le Marcis (ENS de Lyon/Triangle-Ifé), Marie Morelle, Yasmine Bouagga, Patrick Awondo.
With the financial support of: Triangle, Ifé, ENS de Lyon, Prodig, ANR, the French Embassy in Burkina Faso, Expertise France, the West Africa bureau of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie – and the Ecole nationale d'Administration pénitentiaire.