Organised in the framework of the Network Science Thematic Semester
The first aim of this workshop is to enhance our understanding of the links between individuals, social structure, and language usage. These questions should be addressed by the detailed analysis of recently available large digital datasets, like ones collected in Twitter and other systems. These datasets include the social interactions and the utterances of a large number of individuals, which allows for the coupled analysis of the social network and language variation and change as a function of time. More information
Our goal is to contribute to the interdisciplinary fields of computational sociolinguistics, network science, data-driven and computational approaches to language and social network. We will bring together researchers focusing on network linguistics, from different fields: machine learning, data analytics, data mining, computational modeling, large-scale graph-structured high-dimensional data, low-dimensional representations by dimensionality reduction. A second objective of the workshop will be to discuss about these types of methods, which follow often from a data driven approach, especially for their application to social media dataset.
Keynote Speakers:
- Stéphanie Barbu (UMR 6552 EthoS)
- Richard Benton (University of Illinois)
- Jacob Eisenstein (Georgia Tech)
- Alfred Hero (University of Michigan)
- José M. F. Moura (Carnegie Mellon University)
Organizing committee:
- Jean-Pierre Chevrot (University Grenoble Alpes, LIDILEM)
- Eric Fleury (ENS de Lyon/Inria, LIP)
- Márton Karsai (ENS de Lyon/Inria, LIP)
- Jean-Philippe Magué (ENS de Lyon, ICAR)
- Matthieu Quignard (ENS de Lyon, ICAR)
Network Science Thematic Semester
The thematic semester on Network Science is organized by the DANTE Inria team (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), CNRS, Laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP), the SiSyPhe team (Laboratoire de Physique), the Centre de Physique Théorique, the Excellence Laboratory MILYON , the Institute of Scientific Interchange (ISI) and the IXXI (Complex Systems Institute in Rhône-Alpes).
We welcome participants from graduate student level to the level of experts in the subject. Limited number of travelling support for students is available (through the organizers).
Registration is free.