2024 ERC Consolidator grants: two laureates at ENS de Lyon Fri, 06/12/2024 News The European Research Council (ERC) has just announced the list of recipients of its ‘Consolidator’ grants. Among them are two Lyon-based projects led by Marie-Cécile Caillaud and Aurèle Piazza, both members of the ENS de Lyon. Article
Mechanism of homology search expansion during recombinational DNA break repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mon, 14/10/2024 Publication Publication of the Laboratory of Biology and Modelling of the Cell in Molecular Cell, August 22, 2024. Communication by CNRS Physics on October 4, 2024. Article
October 2023: two major biology symposia at ENS de Lyon Fri, 01/12/2023 News This autumn, three of ENS de Lyon's biology laboratories organized two international conferences. The RDP hosted the 11th Plant Peptides and Receptors Meeting; the IGFL and LBMC hosted the 27th European Drosophila Research Conference. Two major events at ENS de Lyon. Article
Specific DNA organization in sperm cells preserves the integrity of paternal chromosomes in the egg Tue, 21/11/2023 Publication Publication of the LBMC in the journal Science on November 9, 2023. Communication of CNRS Biology on November 10, 2023. Article
Biosantexc: Get-together at ENS de Lyon Mon, 30/10/2023 News In the framework of the BIOSANTEXC project, the Office of International Affairs of ENS de Lyon hosted a get-together on October 5th to welcome interns and visiting professors from the IISERs. Article
Phase separation at the heart of the cell nucleus Fri, 08/09/2023 Publication Publication of the LBMC in the journal PNAS on August 7, 2023. Communication of CNRS-INSB on September 8, 2023. Article
Species that eliminate a third of their genome in somatic cells Mon, 04/09/2023 Publication Publication of the LBMC in the journal Current Biology, on August 21, 2023. Communication of CNRS-INSB on August 30, 2023. Article
Cascading genomic rearrangements induced by toxic DNA repair intermediates Mon, 21/08/2023 Publication Publication of the LBMC in the journal Genes and Development, on August 4, 2023. Communication of CNRS-INSB on August 21, 2023. Article
PLEIOTROPY, ERC Consolidator Grant at ENS de Lyon Mon, 26/06/2023 News Through its Consolidator grant, the ERC is supporting the PLEIOTROPY project, led by Marie Sémon (prof. at ENS de Lyon, LBMC) and her team. Article
Biosantexc – Official kick-off meeting of the project Mon, 22/05/2023 A delegation from ENS de Lyon, composed of the Office of International Affairs and representatives of the four laboratories in life sciences of the ENS de Lyon, will be present at the IISER Pune, where this important moment of the Biosantexc project will take place form May 23 to May 25, 2023. Article
Lesaffre and LBMC: a new partnership to improve innovation in the fermentation field Thu, 23/03/2023 Press release Lesaffre press release of March 20, 2023. Article
ENS-IISER partnership - IISER Tirupati students' internship experience Wed, 08/03/2023 News The ENS-IISER partnership encouraged Megha Jacob and Deevitha Balasubramanian, graduate students in biology at IISER Tirupati, to apply for a 6-month internship at ENS de Lyon in 2021. Article
At what stage(s) after infection are memory CD8 T cells generated? Fri, 23/09/2022 Publication Publication of the CIRI and the LBMC in the journal iScience on September 16, 2022. CNRS-INSB communication on September 22, 2022. Article
Regeneration is not a simple repetition of development Tue, 12/07/2022 Publication Publication of the IGFL in the journal PNAS on July 1st, 2022. CNRS-INSB communication on July 12, 2022. Article
Estimating biological age from the transcriptome with RAPToR Tue, 12/07/2022 Publication Publication of the LBMC in the journal Nature Methods on July 11, 2022. CNRS-INSB communication on July 12, 2022. Article
LBMC website gets a makeover Thu, 16/06/2022 News The Laboratory of Biology and Modelling of the Cell has launched its new website. Article
CNRS Bronze medal 2022 Thu, 14/04/2022 Honors and awards Congratulations to Marianne Métoix (LGL-TPE), Aurèle Piazza (LBMC) and Lucile Savary (LPENSL), recipients of the 2022 bronze medal awarded by the CNRS. Article
Wolbachia manipulates insect spermatozoa with a nuclear toxin Wed, 23/02/2022 News, Publication Publication of the LBMC in the journal Current biology on February 7, 2022. CNRS-INSB communication on February 21, 2022. Article
Spatial-Cell-ID: website online Thu, 03/02/2022 News EquipEx+ supported by ENS de Lyon, Spatial-Cell-ID proposes a national device to identify and characterize the spatio-temporal transcriptome of single cells in their tissue. Article
ENS de Lyon has invested in a unique device in France: microfluidics, optical clamps and confocal microscopy Mon, 17/01/2022 News ENS de Lyon is the first institution in France to invest in the only instrument in the world that allows the simultaneous manipulation and visualization of interactions between single biomolecules in real time. 8 teams in 3 laboratories – LPENSL, LBMC and RDP – are now working with this instrument. Article
Cohesin regulates homology search during recombinational DNA repair Mon, 08/11/2021 Publication Publication of LBMC in Nature Cell Biology on November 8, 2021. Article
Science in the open air Mon, 05/07/2021 News In April 2021, the School of Physics of Les Houches launched "Oxy-jeunes", a program aiming at organizing short stays, in an extra-ordinary setting, so that PhD and post-doctoral students can meet each other to exchange about their work or difficulties encountered during the pandemic. Article
A single-chain and fast-responding light-inducible Cre recombinase as a novel optogenetic switch Fri, 12/03/2021 Publication Publication of LBMC in eLife on February 23, 2021. Article
Loop extrusion as a mechanism for formation of DNA damage repair foci Fri, 19/02/2021 Publication Publication of CIRI and LBMC in Nature on February 17, 2021. Article
Gradient in cytoplasmic pressure in germline cells controls overlying epithelial cell morphogenesis Wed, 02/12/2020 Publication Publication of RDP and LBMC in PLoS Biol. on November 30, 2020. Article
ENS de Lyon steps into action to help the HCL hospitals Tue, 31/03/2020 News The research laboratories of ENS de Lyon are helping support hospitals and public services that are on the front line of the health crisis. Article
‘80 Prime’ 2020 Call for projects: 3 winning projects Mon, 17/02/2020 News For the second edition, the CNRS call for projects '80 Prime' has once again given special emphasis to interdisciplinarity and risk-taking. Article
2020 CNRS Talents: bronze medals for Antoine Venaille and Daniel Jost Fri, 14/02/2020 Honors and awards, News The Bronze Medal is awarded to early work of researchers who are specialists in their field. This distinction represents an encouragement from the CNRS to pursue research that is well underway and already fruitful. Article
JoRISS call for Sino-French research projects: 6 projects selected for 2020 Fri, 10/01/2020 News The 10th Steering Committee of the Joint Research Institute for Science and Society (JoRISS), under the joint chairmanship of Mr QIAN Xuhong (President of ECNU) and Mr Yanick RICARD (Vice-President Research of ENS de Lyon), was held on December 11, 2019 at ENS de Lyon. Six projects were selected in the framework of the call for research projects launched in autumn 2019. Article
Get randomly lost, get home sooner Thu, 21/11/2019 News, Publication Publication by LBMC on PLOS One on Novembre 21, 2019. Article
In this nematode species, males are needed for reproduction, but not because of their genes Thu, 14/03/2019 Press release, Publication Publication from LBMC, IBENS and Isyeb in Science on March 15, 2019. Article
Vidium: a new start-up hosted at the ENS de Lyon Wed, 13/03/2019 News Vidium was created in December 2018 by Sami Bou Antoun, CEO, and Arnaud Bonnaffoux, CSO and former doctoral student at the Laboratory of Biology and Modelling of the Cell (LBMC). Article
Condensin controls cellular RNA levels through the accurate segregation of chromosomes instead of directly regulating transcription Wed, 26/09/2018 Publication Article
The good, the fat and the ugly Tue, 11/09/2018 Publication Plos Genetics publication: Mollereau group. Article
PDZ domain-binding motif of Tax sustains T-cell proliferation in HTLV-1-infected humanized mice Mon, 26/03/2018 Publication Publication by LBMC researchers. Article
Mutations that modify cell proliferation in repeated stress Mon, 12/03/2018 Publication The research team of Gaël Yvert at Laboratory of Biology and Modeling of the Cell (LBMC) has discovered mutations that increase cell proliferation in conditions of repeated stress. Article
Clonal polymorphism and high heterozygosity in the celibate genome of the Amazon molly Mon, 19/02/2018 Publication The extreme rarity of asexual vertebrates in nature is generally explained by genomic decay due to absence of meiotic recombination, thus leading to extinction of such lineages. Article
Cell death by necrosis is not an accidental process Wed, 04/10/2017 Publication Publication in PLOS Genetics Article
CompSysBio - Advanced lecture course on computational sustems biology Summer / Winter school from Sun, 14/11/2021 to Sat, 20/11/2021 Event
2023 European Drosophila Research Conference (EDRC) International Conference / Symposium from Fri, 20/10/2023 to Mon, 23/10/2023 Event
Laboratoire de Biologie et de Modélisation de la Cellule - LBMC Laboratory of Biology and Modelling of the Cell Status UMR 5239 Type Laboratory Research Unit