CNRS Silver medal 2023: 2 laureates from our laboratories Thu, 09/03/2023 Honors and awards Sabine Fourrier (HiSoMA) and Hervé Piégay (EVS) are among the 24 national laureates. Both of them would like to share this medal with their teams. Congratulations also to our 4 Alumni Ludovic Berthier, Isabelle Cantat, Jeanne Crassous and Ludovic Orlando, also distinguished by the CNRS. Article
Impact of the last interglacial climate change on ecosystems and Neanderthals behavior at Baume Moula-Guercy, Ardèche, France Thu, 21/02/2019 Publication Publication of LGL-TPE at ENS de Lyon and CEPAM in the American Journal of Archaeological Science on February19, 2019. Article
Dogs accompanied humans during the Neolithic expansion into Europe Wed, 17/10/2018 Publication Article
Akbar ABEDI - Collegium de Lyon Sat, 01/09/2018 Portrait Assistant Professor of Archaeology and Archaeometry in Tabriz Islamic Art University. Article
Bony pseudoteeth of extinct pelagic birds (Aves, Odontopterygiformes) formed through a response of bone cells to tooth-specific epithelial signals under unique conditions Tue, 28/08/2018 Publication Article
Duncan KEENAN-JONES - Collegium de Lyon Thu, 05/07/2018 Portrait In charge of environmental archaeology and archaeological science for a new archaeological project in Serbia, jointly directed by the University of Sydney and the Archaeological Institute, Belgrade. Article
World’s longest sauropod dinosaur trackway brought to light Tue, 21/11/2017 Publication Publication of the Geology lab in Geodis Article
Palaeontology: What unusual teeth you have! Thu, 26/10/2017 Publication Publication in Scientific Reports Article
Histoire, Archéologie et Littératures des Mondes Chrétiens et Musulmans Médiévaux - CIHAM History, Archaeology, Literatures of the medieval Christian & Muslim worlds Status UMR 5648 Type Laboratory Research Unit
13th Celtic Conferences in Classics International Conference / Symposium from Mon, 18/07/2022 to Thu, 21/07/2022 Event
History, archaeology, literature of the medieval Christian and Muslim worlds Language poficency requirements : French: C1 Academic Program
Histoire et Sources des Mondes Antiques - HiSoMA History and Sources of ancient worlds Status UMR 5189 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Ancient Languages, Literature and Civilizations Language poficency requirements : French: B2 Academic Program
International Symposium on Animals in Ancient Egypt International Conference / Symposium from Wed, 01/06/2016 to Fri, 03/06/2016 Event
"Theatre Mēchanē. Approaching an old issue based on new investigations" - Conference by Christina Papastamati Von-Moock Conference Thu, 28/11/2024 Conference by Christina Papastamati Von-Moock as part of the Workshop day for KINSPECTA project. Event