General information about the double degree course in chemistry – EPFL-ENS de Lyon
ENS de Lyon and EPFL have established a partnership to build a research-oriented course. It combines a vision of research oriented towards fundamental chemistry on the ENS de Lyon side and towards cutting-edge engineering applications on the EPFL side, with the award of an engineering degree recognised by the CTI. It combines the MA Sciences de la Matière in chemistry (ENS de Lyon) and Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (EPFL). See the Double Degree page on the EPFL website.
Program for ENS de Lyon students
- Prerequisites: first year of the ENS de Lyon Degree in the Chemistry department;
- Year 1: 1 semester at the ENS de Lyon (second year of the ENS de Lyon Degree and MA in Sciences de la Matière) + 1 exchange semester at EPFL (Bachelor’s degree courses and internship);
- Year 2: 2 semesters at EPFL (MA), and third year of the ENS de Lyon Degree;
- Year 3: 1 semester at ENS de Lyon (MA in Sciences de la Matière and fourth year of the ENS de Lyon Degree) + 1 semester: MA’s research project co-supervised by an ENS de Lyon teaching tutor and an EPFL professor or senior scientist.
For EPFL students:
- Prerequisites: EPFL Bachelor's degree;
- Year 1: 2 semesters at EPFL (MA);
- Year 2: 2 semesters at ENS de Lyon (MA in Sciences de la Matière and ENS Lyon Degree with courses + internship);
- Year 3: 1 semester at ENS de Lyon ((MA in Sciences de la Matière and ENS Lyon Degree) + 1 semester of master's thesis in a lab co-supervised by an ENS de Lyon teaching tutor and an EPFL professor or senior scientist.
Application process
ENS de Lyon students
By the time of application, candidates must have obtained their BA in Chemistry/Licence de Chimie and must already have been admitted to the MA in Sciences de la Matière, parcours Science et Innovation at ENS de Lyon. They must submit their application before September 15th.
- Internal preselection in the Chemistry Department at ENS de Lyon;
- Semester validated at EPFL as part of an exchange semester during the 2nd semester of their first year masters at ENS de Lyon;
- Minimum level B2 in English;
- Application for the MA in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology in March/April in the same way as all students from abroad.
EPFL students
By the time of application, candidates must have obtained their BA and have been admitted to the MA in Chemical engineering and biotechnology at EPFL.
- Preselection by the EPFL;
- Level B2 in English and recommended level B2 in French;
- Application for the MA in Sciences de la Matière in the same way as all students from abroad.
What next ?
Career oppotunities
Degrees obtained:
- MA in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology from the EPFL (accredited by the Commission française des titres d’ingénieur);
- MA in Science de la Matière from the ENS de Lyon;
- ENS de Lyon Degree, under the conditions of validation of school credits and validation of level C1 in English from the European Framework of Reference.