Knowledge Summit 2 : India - France

Knowledge Summit 2 : India - France

Mon, 14/10/2019


The first edition of Knowledge Summit was held in March 2018. It was organized on the occasion of the State visit of the President of the Republic in India and inaugurated by Mrs. Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation which helped to establish the roadmap for Franco-Indian cooperation for the coming years, in partnership with companies.

The second edition of Knowledge Summit is held in Lyon on 17 and 18 October, 2019. Its objective is to strengthen the French-Indian network of motor establishments in academic and scientific cooperation.

The two-day summit involves a series of interactive sessions, allowing participants to deepen scientific and academic cooperation between the two countries and launch concrete initiatives in priority areas such as: smart cities (electric Mobility & transport, urban planning and architecture; aeronautics and space; agriculture and food processing; eco-energy and renewable energy; artificial intelligence, big data and mathematics; valorisation of natural resources from plants; marine sciences; strengthening employability and entrepreneurship.