Support to Ukraine

Support to Ukraine

Mon, 21/03/2022


The ENS de Lyon, as well as the other institutions of the Lyon university site and all the French institutions, is mobilizing to support the student and academic community victim of the war in Ukraine.
All the initiatives are gathered on the Université de Lyon website.
Here is the summary and the update of the welcoming and help devices at the ENS de Lyon, as well as useful contacts.

Last update: March 21, 2022

Emergency Welcome


The ENS de Lyon finances 5 internship grants, in association with research laboratories, to enable students from Ukraine to complete their university year.
Contact: international.strategy [at] (international[dot]strategy[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr)


To respond to the situation of the scientific and cultural communities impacted by the war in Ukraine, the PAUSE program is launching two special funds PAUSE - Solidarity with Ukraine:

Learn more about the special fund for scientists

Learn more about the special fund for artists and culture professionals

Status, accommodation, financial aid

What is temporary protection?  
The priority actions are related to the granting of temporary protection (accompanying displaced Ukrainians as soon as they arrive on the territory).
The Prefecture takes charge of these people via the French Red Cross in the train stations and directs them to the Refugee Forum and the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII), which is responsible for assisting them in obtaining temporary protection status (an initial three-month residence permit, which can be extended to three years, and which allows them to benefit from health coverage and work).
For more information (in French)

CROUS social services

  • A single entry point has been set up via the CROUS social service at the following e-mail address: ssocial [at] (ssocial[at]crous-lyon[dot]fr) for Ukrainian, Russian or Belarusian students (in initial training) who are in difficulty.
  • Emergency slots are reserved to receive them quickly.
  • Possibility of obtaining emergency financial aid (up to 500 euros).
  • Catering: possibility of 1 euro meals for these students.
  • Possibility of accommodation in CROUS residences.

Call for solidarity
Those who are able to offer temporary or long-term accommodation, a room in a home or a whole house, are invited to register online with the Prefecture:
For individuals, apply online at
For legal entities, make an application on

Back to School 2022-23

Reception of students, PhD students and researchers from Ukraine at the beginning of the academic year 2022-23

  • Students: 4 master scholarships (1,000 euros per month for 1 year).
  • PhD students: 2 PhD scholarships for students from Ukraine who had to interrupt their thesis work because of the war.
    Contact: international.strategy [at] (international[dot]strategy[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr)
  • Researchers and teacher-researchers: standard PAUSE program.
    Next deadlines:
    Session 2: application deadline: April 8
    Session 3: application deadline: September 30

More information

On the procedures and initiatives

  • Ministry of the Interior website: downloadable document (trilingual)
  • City of Lyon (in French)
    Would you like to make a personal contribution? The site of the City of Lyon lists the contacts of associations and the possible steps of commitment.
  • France Universités