BIOSANTEXC - Call for Research and Academic Mobility

BIOSANTEXC - Call for Research and Academic Mobility

Thu, 09/01/2025

Call for applications

BIOSANTEXC Research and Academic Mobility Program 2025: the campaign is closed.

The Franco-Indian Campus in Life Sciences “BIOSANTEXC” (BSX) offers two types of visiting programs to allow permanent researchers and academic staff to initiate or develop joint teaching and/or research projects within the network.

The programs support mobility over a period of up to one week.

Types of visiting programs:

  • BIOSANTEXC Discovery: allows French and Indian researchers/academic staff to establish new connections in their field of expertise within BSX Indo-French Campus for life Sciences in order to explore opportunities for new scientific and teaching collaborations.
  • BIOSANTEXC Advanced: supports mobility of French and Indian researchers/academic staff belonging to the BSX Indo-French Campus for life Sciences project and who are already engaged in a joint activity in order to further develop current or new scientific and teaching projects.

Disciplinary Fields: Life Sciences, Health, interdisciplinary projects related to life sciences including human and social sciences.

Eligibility: open to French and Indian Researchers and Academic Staff (Professors, Assistant Professors) belonging to one of the Institutions or laboratories of the BSX consortium.


For more information: see the attached Application form, in the "Documents" section opposite.


Logo Biosantexc

BIOSANTEXC is a project funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

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