Congratulations to Alice Malivert, winner of the L'Oréal-UNESCO 2022 French Young Talent Award - L'Oréal-UNESCO Prize for Women in Science.
Created in 2007, the L'Oréal-UNESCO Young Talents France for Women in Science program is committed to supporting the involvement of young women in scientific research. This program identifies and rewards brilliant young women researchers in life and environmental sciences, material sciences, mathematics, computer and information sciences, engineering sciences and technology.For its 16th edition, the Fondation L'Oréal, in partnership with the French Académie des Sciences and the French National Commission for UNESCO, has awarded the French Young Talent Award for Women in Science to 35 brilliant young female researchers.

Congratulations to Alice Malivert
Selected from 660 candidates, Alice Malivert is a PhD student in biological sciences at the Plant Reproduction and Development laboratory (RDP). She obtained her ENS de Lyon Diploma in 2019 (Sciences competitive exam 2015).
For her thesis in biophysics of plant development, Alice Malivert is interested in how plants perceive mechanical constraints. To do this, she is studying the role of a protein in the mechanical integrity of plant cells.
Project title: Mechano-eco-sensing: plants use mechanical forces to sense water availability.
My dream would be that we could feed humanity despite the consequences of climate change.
Congratulations to our 3 other alumni
Alice Contat
Sciences competitive exam 2016.
"Agrégée" in Mathematics, Alice Contat is a PhD student at the Mathematics Laboratory of Orsay and works on parking models on random graphs.
Project title: Parking on the infinite binary tree.
Women must be provided with the best possible conditions to encourage them to pursue and succeed in the sciences.
Angèle Niclas
Sciences competitive exam 2015.
"Agrégée" in Mathematics, Angèle Niclas is now a post-doctoral fellow at École Polytechnique, and studies the detection of waveguide defects with high accuracy thanks to locally resonant frequencies. She completed her PhD in Applied Mathematics at the École Centrale de Lyon.
Project title: Reconstruction of defects in waveguides using resonant frequencies.
I dream that sicence will succeed in providing concrete solutions for an efficient energy transition.
Emma Risson
Project title: Control of breast cancer disseminated tumor cell dormancy by TGFB2 and BMP4signaling.
Increasing the number of women in Science will help advance research on diseases specific to them
Photo credits: Fondation L'Oréal