Thomas Buchert receives the Tullio Levi-Civita 2023 International Prize Fri, 31/01/2025 Honors and awards Thomas Buchert, professor at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and member of CRAL's AstroEns team, has been awarded the international Tullio Levi-Civita prize for his innovations in Relativistic Cosmology. Article
Second awards ceremony for the Académie des sciences 2024 : congratulations to François Leulier and our Alumni Thu, 28/11/2024 Honors and awards Following the first awards ceremony on the 15th of October, the Académie des Sciences once again celebrated scientific excellence at a second session on the 26th of November 2024 at the Palais de l'Institut de France. Article
Académie des sciences 2024 award - Congratulations to our academics and alumni Thu, 17/10/2024 Honors and awards On Tuesday October 15, the French Academy of Sciences unveiled its awards. Congratulations to Physics laboratory members Patrice Abry and Laurent Chevillard, and School alumni. Article
Isabelle Baraffe, Recipient of the 2024 Fred Hoyle Medal and Prize awarded by Institute of Physics (IOP) Tue, 15/10/2024 Honors and awards, News Isabelle Baraffe, a member of the Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL), is a Professor of Astrophysics on secondment at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. In October 2024, she was awarded a prize for her pioneering research in theoretical astrophysics, which has revolutionised our understanding of the structure and evolution of stars and planets. Article
L'Oréal-UNESCO French program for Women in Science: two Laureates from ENS de Lyon Fri, 11/10/2024 Honors and awards Congratulations to Amélie Joly (IGFL) and Lise Morlet-Decarnin (LPENSL). Article
IMOMM 2024 Thesis Prize: an ENS de Lyon ATER and two former students rewarded Tue, 08/10/2024 Honors and awards The Middle East and Muslim Worlds (MOMM) Scientific Interest Group (GIS) and the Institute for the Study of Islam and Societies of the Muslim World (IISMM) awarded their thesis prizes on September 26, 2024. Article
Olivier Hamant and Teva Vernoux elected EMBO members Thu, 11/07/2024 Honors and awards ENS de Lyon is honored to have two of its laboratories' researchers elected new EMBO members, namely, Olivier Hamant, INRAE research director, and Teva Vernoux, CNRS research director, both biologists at the RDP. Article
Lydéric Bocquet receives 2024 CNRS Innovation Medal Thu, 11/07/2024 Honors and awards Congratulations are in order for physicist Lydéric Bocquet, former doctoral student and later Research Associate at the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon. Article
Two LGL-TPE members honored Thu, 04/07/2024 Honors and awards Francis Albarède Professor emeritus at ENS de Lyon, was appointed Officer of the French National Order of Merit. Isabelle Daniel, Professor at Lyon 1 University and alumna of ENS Lyon, received the Merit Award 2024 from the French Society of Mineralogy and Crystallography. Article
IUF 2024: congratulations to two members and sixteen alumni of ENS de Lyon Fri, 28/06/2024 Honors and awards The Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) has announced its 2024 laureates, among whom the ENS de Lyon is proud to count two of its faculty members. Andrew Pell, Professor in the Department of Chemistry and member of the CRMN, has been elected Junior IUF. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Professor in the Department of Mathematics, member of UMPA, has been elected Senior IUF. 16 alumni of the School have also been elected members of the IUF. Article
Roland Bacon, 2024 Lodewijk Woltjer Lecture Thu, 07/03/2024 Honors and awards Roland Bacon, CNRS Emeritus Research Director at CRAL, is awarded the EAS 2024 Lodewijk Woltjer Lecture. Article
CNRS Medals 2024: congratulations to the silver and bronze medallists from ENS de Lyon Thu, 22/02/2024 Honors and awards The CNRS awards François Leulier, Director of the IGFL, the silver medal and Lucie Étienne, a researcher at CIRI, and three alumni of our school, the bronze medal. Article
Radac Society Master's Award goes to Agathe Faucourt Mon, 19/02/2024 Honors and awards Congratulations to Agathe Faucourt, an alumnus of ENS de Lyon, who has been awarded the master's prize of the RADAC Society (Recherches sur les Arts Dramatiques Anglophones Contemporains - Research on Contemporary English Dramatic Arts) for her M2 dissertation on contemporary English-language theater. Article
Janne Blichert-Toft, recipient of The 2024 EAG Urey Award Fri, 16/02/2024 Honors and awards In early February, the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG) awarded the H.C. Urey Prize to Janne Blichert-Toft, CNRS Research Director at LGL-TPE. Janne Blichert-Toft has made a major contribution to the advancement of knowledge in geochemistry, particularly in the study of planetary mantles and the Earth's crust. Article
Gilles Chabrier awarded the Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal 2024 Mon, 22/01/2024 Honors and awards Gilles Chabrier, Emeritus CNRS Research Director in CRAL AstroENS team, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Exeter, receives the prestigious Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, for his outstanding contributions to astrophysics and galactic astronomy. Article
Patrick Flandrin awarded the Carl Friedrich Gauss Education Prize 2023 Mon, 22/01/2024 Honors and awards Patrick Flandrin, CNRS Research Director Emeritus, member of the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon and member of the French Academy of Sciences, receives the IEEE Signal Processing Society's Carl Friedrich Gauss Education Award 2023, for his contributions to the education in time-frequency-based methods and their mathematical foundations. Article
2023: a harvest of CNRS Talents Fri, 22/12/2023 Honors and awards Congratulations to ENS de Lyon Talents, awarded at the regional CNRS Talents ceremony on Tuesday December 19, 2023. Article
Alain Pumir awarded the Ed Lorenz Lecture from AGU Fri, 22/12/2023 Honors and awards Alain Pumir, CNRS Research Director at ENS de Lyon Physics Laboratory, receives the 2023 Ed Lorenz Lecture Award from the American Geophysical Union (AGU). Article
Three Alumnis awarded the Jeunes Talents L'Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science France 2023 Tue, 17/10/2023 Honors and awards Alice Briole, Edwige Cyffers and Aurora Pignata, all graduates of ENS de Lyon, have been awarded grants from the L'Oréal-UNESCO program to support the involvement of young women in scientific research. Article
Alumni - Anne L'Huillier, Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 Tue, 03/10/2023 Honors and awards, News Congratulations to Anne L'Huillier, a former student of ENS de Lyon, laureate of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics, alongside Ferenc Krausz and Pierre Agostini. Article
IUF 2023: three new members at ENS de Lyon Thu, 08/06/2023 Honors and awards Congratulations to Samuel Angiboust (geology), Anne Benoit (computer science) and Grégory Miermont (mathematics), as well as to the alumni nominated. Article
Isabelle Baraffe, 2023 Lodewijk Woltjer Lecture Wed, 05/04/2023 Honors and awards Isabelle Baraffe, member of the CRAL, is Professor of Astrophysics on secondment at the University of Exeter, UK. She is awarded the EAS 2023 Lodewijk Woltjer Lecture. Article
Patrice Abry and Patrick Flandrin awarded by EURASIP Fri, 31/03/2023 Honors and awards In 2023, Patrice Abry has been elevated EURASIP Fellow, Patrick Flandrin has received the Technical Achievement Award. Article
TFChim 2023: the ENS de Lyon team wins the tournament Mon, 27/03/2023 Honors and awards Congratulations to our students and our coaches from the Chemistry Department for this great victory. Article
French Physicists' Tournament 2023: our students at the second place Mon, 13/03/2023 Honors and awards Our students have talent! The proof is in the 10th edition of the French Physicists' Tournament where our students finished in second place. Article
CNRS Silver medal 2023: 2 laureates from our laboratories Thu, 09/03/2023 Honors and awards Sabine Fourrier (HiSoMA) and Hervé Piégay (EVS) are among the 24 national laureates. Both of them would like to share this medal with their teams. Congratulations also to our 4 Alumni Ludovic Berthier, Isabelle Cantat, Jeanne Crassous and Ludovic Orlando, also distinguished by the CNRS. Article
Abdelrahim Zoued, researcher at CIRI, receives the Jacques Monod Foundation Prize Wed, 01/03/2023 Honors and awards CNRS researcher at CIRI since February 1st, 2023, Abdelrahim Zoued works on the Legionella pneumophila bacterium. He received the Jacques Monod Foundation 2022 Prize, awarded by the Fondation de France, for his research project on the pathogen-host interface during infections. Article
Young Researcher Award 2022: congratulations to our two prize winners Fri, 16/12/2022 Honors and awards Congratulations to Elsa Boulet, PhD in sociology (Max Weber Center), who was granted the Humanity and Urbanities Prize, and to Jérémy Salaam, PhD in Chemistry (Chemistry Laboratory of ENS de Lyon), who was granted the Science and Engineering Prize. Article
The 2022 European Étoile Trophy rewards the Prometheus project Fri, 16/12/2022 Honors and awards Benoît Libert, Octavie Paris and Sébastien Canard received the Special Jury Award for the H2020 PROMETHEUS project. Article
Ni Luh Dewi Sintiari, accessit of the Charles Delorme Graphs Thesis Prize Thu, 01/12/2022 Honors and awards The accessit was awarded to Dewi Sintiari for her thesis "Width parameters on even-hole-free graphs", conducted under the supervision of Nicolas Trotignon at LIP. Article
Research at the ENS de Lyon honored Fri, 25/11/2022 Honors and awards On Tuesday, November 22, two ceremonies honored members of the ENS de Lyon. Article
Académie des Sciences - 2022 Awards Tue, 25/10/2022 Honors and awards, News Congratulations to Janne Blichert-Toft, Mickaël Bourgoin and Gwyneth Ingram, members of ENS de Lyon laboratories and to Laurent Fargues, Bruno Hudry, and Marié-Hélène Verlhac, Alumni of the School. Article
Alice Malivert, recipient of the L'Oréal-UNESCO 2022 French Young Talent Award Thu, 20/10/2022 Honors and awards Congratulations to Alice Malivert, winner of the L'Oréal-UNESCO 2022 French Young Talent Award - L'Oréal-UNESCO Prize for Women in Science. Article
Étienne Ghys, winner of the CNRS medal for scientific mediation 2022 Wed, 12/10/2022 Honors and awards A tireless promoter of the usefulness and beauty of mathematics, Étienne Ghys is one of the four recipients of this distinction created by the CNRS a year ago, to promote scientific mediation activities. Article
Congratulations to Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Knight of the National Order of Merit Fri, 01/07/2022 Honors and awards, News On Monday, June 20, Laurence Roulleau-Berger chose to receive her medal of merit at ENS de Lyon, presented by Marie Gaille, director of the Institute of Human and Social Sciences. The ceremony, just like Laurence Roulleau-Berger's impressive scientific career, was full of energy, discussion and emotion. Article
Presentation of the Legion of Honor to Patrick Flandrin Fri, 01/07/2022 Honors and awards, News January 1, 2022, Patrick Flandrin was appointed to the rank of Knight in the National Order of the Legion of Honor. Article
CNRS Crystal medal 2022 Thu, 12/05/2022 Honors and awards Congratulations to Frédérique Rozier (RDP), recipient of the 2022 Crystal medal awarded by the CNRS. Article
CNRS Bronze medal 2023: three recipients at ENS de Lyon Thu, 14/04/2022 Honors and awards Congratulations to Édouard Bonnet (LIP), Mathilde Paris (IGFL) and Stephan Steinmann (LCH), recipients of the 2023 bronze medal awarded by the CNRS. Article
CNRS Bronze medal 2022 Thu, 14/04/2022 Honors and awards Congratulations to Marianne Métoix (LGL-TPE), Aurèle Piazza (LBMC) and Lucile Savary (LPENSL), recipients of the 2022 bronze medal awarded by the CNRS. Article
"Prix de la jeune recherche 2021": two ENS de Lyon recipients Thu, 03/02/2022 Honors and awards Laurie-Anne Sapey-Triomphe, an ENS de Lyon alumni, and Julien Thiburce, a post-doctoral fellow at the ICAR laboratory, received the "Prix de la Jeune Recherche"* awarded by the Métropole and Ville de Lyon in partnership with the Université de Lyon. *The Young Research Award Article
Alain Tchana receives the “Prix de la Francophonie” for Young Researchers Thu, 27/01/2022 Honors and awards Director of the IT department of ENS de Lyon, Alain Tchana has been rewarded as part of the 10th edition of the “Prix de la Francophonie*” for Young Researchers awarded by the AUF. *Award for French-speaking countries Article
Krzysztof Gawedzki receives the Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics 2022 Mon, 17/01/2022 Honors and awards This award annually recognizes significant contributions to the field of mathematical physics. Article
François-Loïc Cosset, recipient of the Jaffé Prize - Institut de France Wed, 24/11/2021 Honors and awards This prize is awarded for work intended for the progress and well-being of humanity. Article
Janne Blichert-Toft, recipient of the Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal Wed, 10/11/2021 Honors and awards The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has named the 50 recipients of 2022 Union Medals and Awards. These individuals are honoured for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences. Article
Mamane Sani Souley Issoufou receives the French Red Cross Foundation Award Wed, 10/11/2021 Honors and awards After Yasmine Bouagga, last year, it is a second member of the Triangle Laboratory who is rewarded by the French Red Cross Foundation. Article
Damien Stehlé and Alice Pellet-Mary, recipients of the best paper award at Asiacrypt 2021 Wed, 13/10/2021 Honors and awards A timely result for the standardisation of post-quantum cryptography. Article
Denis Bartolo, member of the American Physical Society Wed, 13/10/2021 Honors and awards This is prestigious recognition for Denis Bartolo for his pioneering experimental and theoretical contributions to the field of active matter. Article
Carine Michel, Winner of the Paris-Lyon Group Prize Tue, 14/09/2021 Honors and awards Carine Michel is the 2020 recipient in the scientific category. Article