Congratulations to Anne L'Huillier, a former student of ENS de Lyon, laureate of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics, alongside Ferenc Krausz and Pierre Agostini.
Anne L'Huillier, a former student at ENS Fontenay-aux-Roses, year of 1977, has just been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, along with Hungarian Ferenc Krausz and Frenchman Pierre Agostini. Their work focuses on what is known as attosecond physics, which they pioneered (the generation of brief laser pulses that enable the rapid movement of electrons inside atoms and molecules to be tracked). Anne L'Huillier had already been awarded the Wolf Prize in 2022, alongside Ferenc Krausz and Canadian Paul Corkum. As a result, she figured prominently on the bookmakers' Nobel lists.
Anne L'Huillier was born in 1958 and entered the École normale supérieure at Fontenay-aux-Roses in 1977. Since 1997, she has been Professor of Atomic Physics at the University of Lund (Sweden). She is also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (2004), a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (2012), a corresponding member of the ÖAW (Austrian Academy of Sciences) since 2021, and a member of the National Academy of Science (NAS, Washington) since 2018. She was a member of the Nobel Committee for Physics (2007-2015).
ENS de Lyon is very proud to have among its alumni the 5th woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, and the 2nd French woman after Marie Skłodowska-Curie.
We sincerely congratulate her on this international recognition of her work.

"This prize means a lot. This is the most prestigious prize and I am so happy to get this prize. It's incredible"