IGFL celebrates its 10th anniversary

IGFL celebrates its 10th anniversary

Thu, 23/03/2023


To celebrate this anniversary, the institute is organizing an international symposium on March 30 and 31 on its main research areas: volutionary biology, Development, and Physiology and Research at their interfaces.

While the Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon (IGFL) was officially created in 2007 with the CNRS and the ENS de Lyon as the main trustees, the University of Lyon 1 and INRAE, this joint research unit only really took hold in September 2012. The founding teams and those recently recruited from abroad were then able to be reunited in a single building that had just been completed. Remarkable for its large, all-glass atrium, it houses an elegant central staircase wound in a double helix whose fuchsia and gray colors have become emblematic of the IGFL.

IGFL building _c_Vincent Moncorgé
IGFL entrance
credits: Vincent Moncorgé


IGFL stairs _c_Vincent Moncorgé
Double helix staircase
credits: Vincent Moncorgé


Ten years of research at the IGFL will be celebrated in March with the organization of an anniversary symposium "IGFL@10". According to its first directors, Jacques Samarut and Vincent Laudet, this unit was to be a fertile melting pot where evolution, development and integrative physiology would coexist on a daily basis to give life to a tripod at the interface of the three disciplines, called "Evo-Devo-Physio". This theme, unique in France at the time of its creation, associated with a dynamic and demanding strategy of recruiting new international teams, has largely contributed to the success of the IGFL, which has been awarded 5 ERCs, 5 ATIPs, 2 horizon2020 programs and more than 30 ANR grants.

Today, 10 teams representing about 100 members and 15 different nationalities are gathered around a methodological axis in full evolution (as attested by the Equipex Spatial-cell-ID, of which the IGFL is a co-sponsor) that is functional genomics and this, for the study of major questions of fundamental biology using a great diversity of organisms.

It is therefore the "Evo-Devo-Physio" theme that will be celebrated during the IGFL@10 Symposium, as evidenced by the prestigious list of speakers who have accepted to participate in this anniversary event.

IGFL@10 _c_Charly Bellanger
credits: Charly bellanger



A major event in basic biology and functional genomics, the symposium will feature 13 lectures by internationally renowned scientists and several roundtable discussions over two days. IGFL@10 will be an opportunity for all IGFL members to meet and celebrate a decade of scientific success and internationalization. And to make new scientific encounters and collaborations.

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