IMOMM 2024 Thesis Prize: an ENS de Lyon ATER and two former students rewarded

IMOMM 2024 Thesis Prize: an ENS de Lyon ATER and two former students rewarded

Tue, 08/10/2024

Honors and awards

The Middle East and Muslim Worlds (MOMM) Scientific Interest Group (GIS) and the Institute for the Study of Islam and Societies of the Muslim World (IISMM) awarded their thesis prizes on September 26, 2024.

The Islam, Middle East and Muslim Worlds (IMOMM) Thesis Prize includes several prizes which are awarded to young doctors who have defended their dissertations in the humanities and social sciences between 2022 and 2023. The jury and prize-giving ceremony were organised jointly by the IISMM and the GIS MOMM. 

After assessment of 65 entries, 3 thematic prizes, 2 GIS and IISMM prizes and 5 special mentions were awarded by the Jury.  

ENS de Lyon would like to congratulate all the Laureates, and in particular:

  • Adrien de Jarmy, former student of our school, awarded the Mohamed Arkoun Prize
  • Simon Berger, former student of our school, awarded a special mention
  • Nicolas Payen, ATER at ENS de Lyon, awarded a special mention

Mohamed Arkoun Prize

The Mohamed Arkoun Prize for a thesis in Islamology, awarded by the Bureau Central des Cultes (Public Liberties and Legal Affairs Directorate) of the French Ministry of the Interior, has been awarded to Adrien de Jarmy, a former student at ENS de Lyon (2013-2017, History).

Adrien de Jarmy is currently an Associate Professor in Islamology and Digital Humanities at the University of Strasbourg. His dissertation, defended in 2023 at Sorbonne University, is entitled ‘Constructions historiographiques et normative des figures du prophète Muhammad. Des premières attestations dans les sources au IIIe/IXe siècle’ (under the supervision of Mathier Tillier).

Special mentions

The IMOMM Prize jury awarded 5 special mentions in 2024, including:

  • Simon Berger, a former student of ENS de Lyon (2011 - Literature competitive examination) and currently a CNRS researcher assigned to CeRMI as a post-doctoral researcher. 
    His thesis, defended in 2022 at the EHESS, is entitled: ‘Une armée en guise de peuple. La structure militaire de l'organisation politique et sociale des nomades eurasiatiques à travers l'exemple mongol médiéval’ (under the supervision of Étienne de La Vaissière).
  • Nicolas Payen, temporary teaching and research associate (ATER) at ENS de Lyon, formerly at Sorbonne University. His dissertation, defended in 2023 at Ludwig Maximilians Universität, is entitled: ‘A history of the Concept of Animal in the First Four Centuries of Islam’ (under the supervision of Peter Adamson and Mathier Tillier).

The Middle East and Muslim Worlds (MOMM) GIS was created on January 1st, 2013 at the initiative of the CNRS. It is intended to bring together all the French research teams working in this field, across all disciplines (history, geography, political science, sociology, anthropology, archaeology, law, etc.). Find out more about the GIS MOMM. (only in french)

The Institute for the Study of Islam and Societies of the Muslim World (ISMM) was created in 1999 by the Ministry of National Education, Research and Technology, within the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). ISMM is a Research Support Unit (UAR). Its work focuses on Islam as a civilisation, Islam as a religion and the social and political issues associated with it. Find out more about ISMM. (only in French)