Laclarée is one of the start-ups that has been hosted in the ENS Lyon incubator. The company develops adaptive glasses to correct presbyopia. These glasses integrate a patented technology of lenses that automatically adjust in optical power so that the object looked at is always clear, whatever the observation distance.
For the past two years, Laclarée's teams have been preparing their first exploratory clinical study in a university hospital (CHU), with the approval of the Agence nationale de la sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM). This study, involving 40 patients, has just been completed. It will allow the calibration of various visual quality parameters and will also provide the first indications of use in everyday life tasks (travel, computer work, etc.).

To ensure its technical developments, Laclarée has equipped itself with a clean room necessary to start prototype production operations in optimal conditions.

The first integrated prototype (Beta prototype, without wires) was therefore born. Several partners were involved in the design, electronic design, lens and actuator constitutive parts, as well as critical electronic components.

2022 will be devoted to technical development work, improvement of the user experience and preparation for industrialization. Simultaneously, regulatory work will be carried out, which will help structure the company with a view to obtaining CE marking. Laclarée will also start developing business with opticians, optical chains and also major optical accounts.
To be watched closely...