Congratulations are in order for physicist Lydéric Bocquet, former doctoral student and later Research Associate at the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon.
The CNRS unveiled the three winners of its Innovation Medal on Tuesday, July 9, 2024. ENS de Lyon is proud to count among them a former student and member, physicist Lydéric Bocquet.

© Frédérique Plas / CNRS Images
A renowned physicist, Lydéric Bocquet completed his doctorate at the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon under the supervision of the lab director at the time, Jean-Pierre Hansen. Lydéric Bocquet later joined the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon as a CNRS research associate before becoming a professor at the University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Elected a member of the French Academy of Sciences in 2022, he is now a CNRS research director at the Physics Laboratory of ENS-PSL.
Lydéric Bocquet specializes in the applications of fluid control at the nanoscale. This field, at the intersection of fluid mechanics and molecular, even quantum physics, allows him to design devices, particularly membranes, with innovative properties. His work is now recognized by the CNRS.