While students are entering the ENS de Lyon, researchers are just as active.
ERC starting grants call for projects: results of the 2019 edition
The 2019 ERC Starting Grant call was aimed at young sesearchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal.
On September 3, 2019, the ERC published the list of recipients. Among the selected laureates from Lyon, two are from laboratories affiliated to ENS de Lyon:
Lucile Savary
CNRS researcher at Laboratoire de physique
for her " Transport " project
Thermal and Electrical Transport in Correlated Quantum Materials
Omar Fawzi
Teacher-researcher, member of the Laboratory of Computer Science of Parallelism (Lip)
for his " AlgoQIP project"
Beyond Shannon: Algorithms for optimal information processing
Scientific publications
- Laboratoire de chimie (Margarida Costa Gomes) - Self-assembled nanostructures in ionic liquids facilitate charge storage at electrified interfaces - Nature Materials, August 12, 2019
- LGL-TPE (Vincent Balter) - Calcium isotopic patterns in enamel reflect different nursing behaviors among South African early hominins - Science Advances, August 28, 2019
- RDP (Yoan Coudert) - A KNOX-Cytokinin Regulatory Module Predates the Origin of Indeterminate Vascular Plants - Current Biology, August 1, 2019
- LGL-TPE (Jean Vannier) - Origin of ecdysis: fossil evidence from 535-million-year-old scalidophoran worms - Proceedings of the Royal society B, July 10, 2019