Following the first awards ceremony on the 15th of October, the Académie des Sciences once again celebrated scientific excellence at a second session on the 26th of November 2024 at the Palais de l'Institut de France.
At the first session, ENS de Lyon was already proud to count Patrice Abry and Laurent Chevillard, members of the Physics Research unit (LPENSL), as well as two ENS alumni - Théau Peronnin and Gilles Carron - among the prizewinners.
On Tuesday 26th of November, ENS de Lyon would particularly like to congratulate François Leulier, a member of the Functional Genomics Institute of Lyon (IGFL), and the seven former students of the School: Camille Berthelot, Omar Fawzi, Brice Goglin, Sylvie Méléard, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Ludovic Orlando and Samuel Thibault.
François Leulier, jaffé prize winner
François Leulier is a CNRS Research Director at the Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon - IGFL (École normale supérieure de Lyon, CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon-1).
François Leulier is interested in bacteriology, animal physiology and nutrition, studying the influence of chronic undernutrition on the components of the intestinal microbiota and their effects on the physiology of juvenile, i.e. their growth, metabolism and sexual maturation.
Jaffé Prize, Fondation de l'Institut de France
The arrears of the foundation created in 1930 (€6,850) are used to award a prize for experiments in the field of molecular and cellular biology and genomics aimed at the progress and well-being of humanity.
Alumni awarded
- Camille Berthelot is Director of Research Inserm, Institut Pasteur, Paris, and a former student of the School (class of 2004 - Sciences competitive examination). She was awarded the Jayle prize.
- Omar Fawzi is Director of Research Inria, head of the QInfo project team and a former student of the School (class of 2005 - Sciences competitive examination). He was awarded the Lovelace-Babbage prize by Société Informatique de France.
- Brice Goglin is Director of Research Inria at the Computer Science Research Laboratory (LaBRI) and a former student of of the School (class of 1998 - Sciences competitive examination). He was awarded the INRIA - Académie des sciences - Dassault Systèmes Innovation Prize.
- Sylvie Méléard is a professor at École Polytechnique, Centre de mathématiques appliquées (CNMA) and a former student of ENS Fontenay-aux-Roses (class of 1977 - Sciences competitive examination). She was awarded the Irène Joliot Curie prize for woman scientist of the year.
- Anne-Cécile Orgerie is a CNRS research director at the Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires (IRISA) and former student of the School (class of 2005 - Computer Science). She was awarded the Lovelace-Babbage prize by Société Informatique de France.
- Ludovic Orlando is director of research at CNRS, Anthropobiology and Genomics Centre in Toulouse and a former student of the School (class of 1996 - Sciences competitive examination). He was awarded the Charles-Léopold Mayer Prize.
- Samuel Thibault is a professor at the University of Bordeaux, member of the Inria STORM team and a former student of the School (class of 2001 Sciences competitive examination). He was awarded the INRIA - Académie des sciences - Dassault Systèmes Innovation Prize.
The Académie des Sciences paid tribute to the 2024 winners at a second awards ceremony at the Palais de l'Institut de France on November 26, 2024. (in french).
Source: French Academy of Sciences