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The conference “Epistemic commitments of complexity theories” aims at gathering practitioners of the field, as well as researchers in philosophy, history, sociology, in order to address the axiological, ideological and political aspects of some of the most important complexity theories: complex systems sciences (Santa Fe Institute style), cybernetics and systemics (autopoiesis, Hayekian neoliberalism, Odum ecology, etc.).
Webinar #1 - 11 janvier 2021
- Introduction to the webinar: Fabrizio Li Vigni & Pablo Jensen
- Introduction to complexity theories: Fabrizio Li Vigni
- Cybernetics and Wicked Problems: Andy Pickering
Webinar #2 - 18 janvier 2021
- Second cybernetics. The science of saving energy: Thomas Turnbull
- From cybernetics to complexity: Jean-Pierre Dupuy
Webinar #3 - 25 janvier 2021
- CosmoTech: from complexity research to business: Michel Morvan
- Complex thinking in organization studies: from theory to practice: David Vallat
Webinar #4 - 1er février 2021
- Whose complexity? Modelling or governing the environment?: Catharina Landstrom
- Complexity sciences and Hayek's neoliberalism: Fabrizio Li Vigni
Webinar #5 - 8 février 2021
- The Earth system: genealogy of the global environment as a complex system: Sébastien Dutreuil
- From Cybersyn to social macroscopes: contributions of complex systems research to a social reflexivity: David Chavalarias
Webinar #6 - 15 février 2021
- The (non)neutrality of science and algorithms: Aniello Lampo
- Can gender inequality be created without inter-group discrimination?: Floriana Gargiulo
Webinar #7 - 22 février 2021
- Les complexités de la physique: Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond et Marc Barthelemy
Webinar #8 - 1er mars 2021
- A non-imperialist physics: Quentin Rodriguez
- Thermodynamics as the science of complexity in Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers’ Order out of chaos (1979). Is thermodynamics really able to help social sciences? : Emanuel Bertrand
Webinar #9 - 25 mars 2021
- The monetization of ecosystemic services : Victor Lefèvre
- Three visions of the futures of forests in a changing climate: the epistemic commitments of forest scientists: Antoine Dolez
Webinar #10 - 29 mars 2021
- The history of technosciences for governing increasingly complex societies: Dominique Pestre (EHESS) & Matthias Schemmel (Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte)