Condillac and His Reception. On the origin and nature of human abilities Fri, 13/10/2023 Publication By Delphine Antoine-Mahut, Professor at ENS de Lyon, member of the Institute of History of Representations and Ideas in Modernities (IHRIM). Published on October 13, 2023. Article
2022 JoRISS call for Sino-French research projects Wed, 15/03/2023 Call for applications Find the selected project for the 2022 JoRISS call. Article
East Asia and coronavirus, IAO has started a blog Tue, 21/04/2020 News The Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies (IAO in French) has set up a blog focusing on the current epidemic. Article
Renewal of the PRoSFER cooperation agreement between the ECNU and ENS de Lyon, Paris-Saclay and Rennes Tue, 14/01/2020 News On 11 December 2019, the ENS de Lyon welcomed a delegation from the East China Normal University (ECNU). Article
The words "patient" and "doctor" shouldn’t be used in the plural Wed, 20/03/2019 News Doctors and patients are often homogenized into two main categories: the caregivers and the people receiving treatment. But everyone has their own specificities, depending on their experience, their training, where they come from, etc. Article
2018 CNRS Rhône-Auvergne Talents Ceremony Mon, 12/11/2018 Honors and awards Each year, the CNRS rewards those who have contributed the most to the advancement of research. Article
Daniel WHISTLER - Collegium de Lyon Thu, 05/07/2018 Portrait Senior lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Liverpool. Article
Elisabetta BASSO - Collegium de Lyon Thu, 05/07/2018 FCT Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the “Centro de Filosofia” of the University of Lisbon. Article
Theo Verbeek, Dutch philosopher Wed, 09/02/2011 Portrait Doctor Honoris Causa of ENS de Lyon - February 9, 2011 Article
Stanley Cavell, American philosopher Fri, 07/05/2010 Portrait Doctor Honoris Causa of ENS de Lyon - May 7, 2010 Article
Institut d'Asie Orientale - IAO Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies Status UMR 5062 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Altérités marginalités, Catégorisations “Altérités”- focusing on diversity, marginalities and categorizations Status [closed] 2016-2018 Type Junior Laboratory Research Unit
ELDM 2020 Workshop - Embodied interactions, Languaging and the Dynamic Medium Workshop Tue, 18/02/2020 Event
Nineteenth-Century French philosophy – The Spiritualist Tradition and its Critics International Conference / Symposium from Thu, 14/09/2017 to Fri, 15/09/2017 Event
The Sceptical Dilemma of Religious Disagreement and Its Pragmatic Solution Student Thesis Defence Fri, 07/04/2023 Event
Imagination et Discours à l’âge classique Imagination and discourse in the Classical Age Status [closed] 2017-2018 Type Junior Laboratory Research Unit
Institut d'Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités - IHRIM Institute of History of Representations and Ideas in Modernities Status UMR 5317 Type Laboratory Research Unit
En quête de voix : Collecte, écriture et représentation des voix des autres The voice researchers: Collections, records and representation of the voice Status [closed] 2018-2019 Type Junior Laboratory Research Unit
TRIANGLE. Action, Discours, Pensée Politique et Economique Action, discourse, political and economic thought Status UMR 5206 Type Laboratory Research Unit
The cultural embedding of social cognition: towards a more integrative cognitive science Directors: Professors Sara FRANCESCHELLI and HE Jing Content
Makram Abbès, Professor of Arab studies Former junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Content
Histoire et Sources des Mondes Antiques - HiSoMA History and Sources of ancient worlds Status UMR 5189 Type Laboratory Research Unit
Épistemologie et ontologie sociale, théories et pratiques Epistemology and social ontology, theories and practices Status [closed] 2018-2021 Type Junior Laboratory Research Unit
Transgression dans l'Antiquité : approches des limites et des écarts - TAntALE Transgression in Antiquity: Approaches to Limits and Deviations Status [closed] 2018-2021 Type Junior Laboratory Research Unit
Fabrique des Identités dans les "Génies" de l'Europe (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles) - FIGéE The Making of Identities in the "Geniuses" of Europe (17th-18th centuries) Status [in progress] 2020-2022 Type Junior Laboratory Research Unit